AuthorMom Outnumbered

My name is Kerri Green;
Wife to Justin, and mother to four highly entertaining daughters
-Alena, Chloe, Tessa, and Paige.
I am an artist, a writer, a daycare provider,
a lover of people, a believer that there is humor and beauty in all things,
and the author of Mom Outnumbered;
a blog about real family life, and my observations of it.
My goal is to make people laugh,
to be there for them when they cry,
and most importantly,
to let them know that they are not at all alone in this up and down world.
I live with my family in Sebastopol California, and I am opening the window into our life.
So welcome!
Come in.
Sit down.
Just please don’t mind the mysterious wet spots.

May School Lunch

I fear we have nearly reached the end of it without even mentioning that May is May School Lunch Awareness Month. The awareness ribbon for this particular issue is made up of questionable strawberries, and all of the packages of seaweed snacks you...

Old Beat-Up Truck

My fifteen year old finished her driver’s training course this week, meaning she can now get her learner’s permit. Therefore, unless I finally careen off some cliff because one of them refused to listen to my instructions like I always fear will...

Grains of Sand

Mother’s Day did not go as planned. My own expectations mixed with an exhausted spouse only led to disappointment and an argument. I took the kids to lunch alone. I forgot to order my own meal. I cried in the restaurant bathroom. This was not how it...

Dang It, Gina!

Several years ago, my husband Justin and I were in a Walmart parking lot – Birthplace of Many a Curiosity – when, in the next row over, we watched an old couple tumble down the steps of a Winnebego that looked to have that parking lot as...

Child of Lasts

I often get flack from my oldest girls, saying I make things so easy on the youngest. There are a lot of, “You NEVER would have said that to ME”s, and an equal amount of, “You would have SO made me do that”s. They don’t see as I see: That she is the...

Resurrection of a Dream

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve begun to realize that my dad’s favorite mantra, “Sometimes it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission” really is true. I find this particularly applies well to my Facebook Marketplace finds. Though they have made...

Somewhere Soft and Quiet

When you ask your kids “So, How was school?” these days, you had better be prepared for the answer. My daughter, Tessa, went today already knowing that this morning would be Part 2 of a rally her high school was calling “Every 15 Minutes,” which is...

Maybe It’s Staybelline

It’s that time of year again: The time of my husband, Justin’s, annual trip to watch Spring Training for baseball in Arizona while I stay home with the kids on a supposed “Staycation,” managing things, doling out warmly welcomed life-lessons, as is...

The Edge of a Last

For weeks I’ve caught her wiggling that tooth out of the corner of my eye. My daughter Paige, now 12 years old, is nearing the end of her gap-toothed smiles. But this one tooth seems hesitant to go, and I’ve been telling her I’ll pull it for her, as...

The Story

Yesterday my husband couldn’t find something in the refrigerator. Shocker: It was right up front, almost touching his corneas. I don’t understand why this is a thing that seems to span class and education level. Nearly every wife I have talked to...
