This seems to be the question of the day and one most of us are struggling to find an answer for. To find peace of mind and joy in my daily life, I have been reduced to embracing one truth and that is LOVE conquers all things. In the midst of...
Sometimes it is exhausting to care. But care you must because it is as organic to you as your own breath. You just “feel” other’s pain and sadness no matter how much you try to look away and not get involved. Nevertheless, to give a damn about...
Some days I wake up, turn on the news and it feels like I am living in upside down world. There is so much turmoil swirling in the atmosphere of our public discourse, it makes me wonder how or if we will ever find normal again. Core values taught to...
One minute I was feeling lost and lonely and then before I knew it, the sky above me changed. The dark clouds disappeared and I felt like myself again. I had told myself over and over again that “this too shall pass.” That phrase always comes to me...
Tug of war, it’s a classic tale as old as time itself. Long before the Old Testament was conceived of; the code of Hammurabi was inscribed in stone and included the concept of retribution “an eye for an eye.” It is this perpetuated idea that all...
She was overly elated when the man of her dreams finally asked her to marry him. He was the epitome of everything she revered as good husband material. He was financially stable, believed in God, loved animals and children and was committed to...
Whether we want to lose a few pounds, eat a little better, save a little more money or simply to be a little kinder – welcoming a new year usually means reflection and reevaluation for most of us. One thing data has taught us is we humans are great...
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you! This is a post I wrote this week and shared on my own Facebook page. I got so many notes of gratitude for sharing these words I decided it would be great to share on Bob and Sheri. Hope everyone...
I confess. I am a chronic peacemaker who craves consistency in human behavior and will do anything to keep the waters calm and the apple cart upright. Psychologists have labeled my personality type as an enabler or accommodator and I can pretty much...
“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” Carl Jung Over Thanksgiving my husband and I looked through some old pictures. We came across photos of the house we built in Charlotte which spanned from the first day we moved in until...