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Sheri Lynch
Sheri Lynch is an award-winning broadcaster, the author of two best-selling books, and holds a Masters Degree in Social Work. Sheri is also an intermediate-level tap dancer, a crazy cat/dog lady, and the mom of 2 or 6 or 9 kids, depending on who’s home for dinner. A Philadelphia native who was raised in northwestern Wyoming, Sheri is a bookworm, a pop culture fanatic, and an enthusiastic fan of aliens, Bigfoot, zombies, abandoned places, and goofy Americana. When she’s not tormenting Bob Lacey, you can usually find her dragging her husband to visit The World’s Largest Spatula or something equally riveting.
Bob Lacey
Bob Lacey gave up the opportunity to be a big-time TV star, travel to exotic places throughout the world and be paid really, really well just to be radio partners and BFFs with Sheri Lynch. As a result, he almost never gets to talk about what he wants: growing up in Connecticut, cars, and lighthouses. Bob is known for having the best taste, the best ideas, the best dog – even the best, most helpful germs. He’s a lifelong fan of the Red Sox, The Rolling Stones, and the state of Maine. Bob’s perfect day would include a beach walk with his dog, dinner with his beautiful wife and family, and just for once, everyone agreeing that he’s absolutely right.

Max Sweeten
Max Sweeten is still trying to figure out how he got roped into this. When he’s not in the studio with Bob Lacey and Sheri Lynch, Max is an actor and voiceover artist. Maybe you’ve seen his tender, moving performance as the Sears exterminator. Perhaps you’ve heard his disembodied voice at a gas station in the middle of the night, cheerfully extolling the virtues of the two-for-one hot dog deal. Or at a Westfield mall, or a Walgreens. If you’re lucky, you’ve caught him in a play. Max is also a serious hiker, spending as much time as can on the trail.

Lamar Richardson
Lamar was a regular caller to Bob & Sheri early on. He was always ready with witty lines. He’s a total movie and TV buff, so it was logical to make him “The People’s Movie Critic.” Lamar’s movie reviews are heard every Friday morning in addition to his daily contributions. But he’ll never quit his day job at the Budweiser Distributorship.

Jim Szoke
Jim Szoke is an NFL broadcaster with 3 decades of sports broadcasting experience who brings a unique take on sports to the show with “sports confuse me”. Jim grew up in Cleveland, OH and yet still somehow became a sports fan despite having to endure decades losses by his hometown teams. Jim holds a journalism degree from Bowling Green State University, which nearly everyone thinks is in Kentucky, but is actually in Ohio.
Jim and his wife Sandra have raised five kids, two of which have finished college and need to hurry up and get jobs, so they can move out. Some of Jim’s contributions to Bob & Sheri Show include incorrectly referring to US Magazine as U.S. Magazine…and thinking Paris Hilton and Perez Hilton were the same person.
Jim’s sports accomplishments include shouting a profanity while fully tearing his Achilles tendon playing Church League basketball.
Kary “Doc” Bowser
Kary Bowser is the definition of socially awkward, but has spent nearly half his life working in radio. His biggest claim to fame is being a superfan of a cheesy Canadian teen drama called Degrassi. When he’s not obsessing over that or working his radio magic behind the scenes, you can find him running around on a softball field.