Last week I took my 16 year old, Tessa, to have an emissions test run on the new-to-her car our friend had so generously passed this way. She gets her license in less than two weeks. These “adulting” experiences are all new to her. I can see reality...
Today, after a month of grey and rain, the sun peeked out over the green hills. I drove the length of road home from dropping my youngest off at school for the first day following her Christmas break, and the sight of everything so different...
I’m sure I’m not the only mom that has been laying awake at night A Beautiful Mind-ing all their Christmas plans; The last one up to turn off the lights, and feed the cats, and wash the dishes in the sink, not the only one going to bed exhausted...
Our tree-getting expedition has gotten progressively less Instagram-worthy over the years. We used to take the girls way out into the gorgeous Glen Ellen mountains when they were small. It was a 45 minute drive through vineyards and foggy hills...
I don’t know how much like “Little Women” I pictured the holidays with four daughters to be, but it was much more than this. I guess I pictured fireside chats, waiting for the kettle to whistle, and all of the girls gathered around to listen...
The other day in the car I mentioned to my husband that this year I just don’t feel celebratory for the holidays in my usual way. I’ve been enormously busy this year, and between the joys and the losses in too-rapid succession, I have hardly felt...
As a form of public service, I thought I would tell all you parents of babies that them being completely unwilling to wear appropriate clothes for the weather one day is a verifiable life phase. It isn’t you. You didn’t break them. You didn’t do...
We went to breakfast Saturday morning, way out through the hills and damp redwoods to a little forest town not too far from here. It is our favorite spot for special occasions. It is my request for my birthday every year. Now, my daughter, Tessa...
I waited in line behind a guy with plaid shorts. I noticed them for some reason as I stared and thought about the day; One full of emotion while listening to the news; The world around me, swirling. Being in line at the vet’s office was the last...
The news of the tragedy of the hurricanes has been so devastating. It sparks in me memories of surviving our own disaster, The Tubbs Fire, that happened exactly seven years ago today. May we hold onto what is truly important, try to love one...