I got rid of my last baby hanger today. It was one of the creamy satin ones with the little pink ribbon that always made what was hanging on them feel extra fancy, and unique. I’d been given a pack of six of them at my baby shower for my now 15 year...
After avoiding it for two years completely, a week and a half ago, Covid hit our house. I felt positive it would run through all of us as I gazed at the two pink lines of my daughter’s at-home test. I couldn’t imagine a way around that in our...
It’s been two full years of homeschooling her now; A thing I said I could never do. I imagined it would be chalk-full of things like floor-length jean skirts, FLDS hairstyles, and a long, knotted rope or two, with a trigger finger on a label making...
Per my youngest daughter, Paige’s request, we went fishing this last week. It’s not a thing we usually do. We’ve gone once in 10 years, I think. It was spring break, and her mind was racing with possibilities of all the things she could do with my...
Sometimes he was hard on me. Sometimes it felt hard to connect. I was fiery and adventurous, after all. I wanted colored hair and multiple piercings. I think maybe he didn’t quite know what to do with all of that. He was raised with the tumbleweeds...
They always say the teen years are hard, and you nod the same half-hearted nod you did when, as a mother of a tantruming toddler, they used to tell you to enjoy every moment, because the years would fly by before you even realized what end was up...
At dinner time two nights ago, my two high school daughters told a hilarious tale: School elections had been coming up to decide who would be class president next year. Two of the kids running were the ones that you’d typically expect. You know, the...
Well, I’m back to meal planning. Once every few years I try to be a whole new woman, and get my life together where the dinner prep and grocery shopping is concerned. I already only wear Birkenstocks. I can’t let EVERY part of me fall. Once every...
Dear Grieving Friend, I know you’re up with me tonight, staring at the ceiling, wondering if it will ever end. I know you’re reminding yourself to keep on breathing; Hand on your abdomen to make sure it is so. I know your mind is replaying all you...
When the fall of 2020 came, rather than risk all those dreaded zooms again, I pulled my youngest out of her school and have since been homeschooling her instead. In the beginning I thought it would be more temporary, because, let’s face it, I know...