By 8:00 this morning I could just tell. I could see the look in her eyes every time they darted for a painful second to meet mine. All I had to do was ask her if she was OK, and before I knew it, she broke down crying. As I sat with her on the edge...
Having teenage daughters is much like having an Advent Calendar: Every day a new treat inside. Except, with this Advent Calendar, the drawers you open contain tiny scrolls that state which way you’ve embarrassed, upset, or made them frustrated today...
Before school even began I’d felt overwhelmed, to be honest, just from looking at the bell schedule alone. It really feels like parents have dealt with enough lately, doesn’t it? Distance learning, and Covid, riots, and shots, and now we are adding...
Their objective was clear from before school even started:Let no one ever know they owned jackets, or had a family here.My two middle daughters started high school last week,and, if ranked,I think those two things would have been their top cares. On...
My middle two daughters start high school this week, and that has me feeling so many things. I’m reminded of doing high school drop-off my very first time 8 years ago with my oldest; How you watch them from your car, just praying they’ll face...
Anyone who has ever taken a teenager on a family vacation knows the drill:You make the plans, the teenager hates the plans, the teenager makes faces and noises to alert you to this fact, you confront their attitude (often in a Starbucks), you remind...
The other day I watched a video online of a man surprising several homeless people by bringing them food. None of them had asked for it. They were shocked as he approached them wherever them were; sitting against a wall or laying alongside a walkway...
It was bed time. As I tucked my 9 year old, Paige, into her bed, and as if she’d been thinking on it for awhile, in the dark she suddenly asked, “Do you ever think about how if Daddy hadn’t said ‘yes’ to being invited to come out to that Irish...
Our dogs got sprayed by a skunk last week. The smell has permeated everything. For several days you could smell it wafting all the way from out in the street. We tried literally everything friends and the Internet said to do. For days on end...
I sat down and started planning – One last hurrah trip before the end of what has felt like the shortest and most needed summer that ever was. I began brainstorming about where we could go for a long weekend; Somewhere semi-close. Somewhere...