Tomorrow my baby, Paige, turns nine years old. Nine – So much less round than eight. It sounds too old when I say it, so today I begged for her to just let me pay her to stay eight for one more year. “I don’t think that’s even possible,” she...
I got a new car this weekend. It really was far beyond time, being that the entire back trunk panel of the van I had been driving had fallen off on the inside right into my hands, and the windshield was cracked, and the sliding doors no longer would...
I hear the voices saying this attack on the capitol was because those people felt like their voices were not being heard. It brings to me the remembrance the voice of black people mourning those of them killed, or unjustly arrested. I ask you to...
So, here we are in a brand new year that, so far, feels pretty much like the same old one. The house is still a mess of drooping Christmas decor, the dog needs to be groomed so badly that he cannot even see, and applying mascara and chapstick still...
By about the 20th wrapped present I needed the reminder that sometimes joy is a thing we often have to step toward. The excitement I feel in the beginning of December always begins to get a little worn a few months in as I try to find parking, and...
I had a little idea the other day, and asked my girls what they thought. “What if we decorated the mailboxes?” I asked them. “No one will even know it was us.” By their scrunched up faces I could tell they didn’t understand why we would do such a...
I had been going strong for weeks. Decorating, and shopping, and generally making things happen the way that moms do. The push to make Christmas feel extra, well, EVERYTHING this year has been strong. Whereas we may have always done 6 strands of...
It was late and I just wanted to be home. It had been a really long day. I was frustrated as I neared the front-end of the store to notice only one checkstand open yet again. My daughter, Tessa, stood beside me and I gave a withering smile and a bit...
Last week I received a message from, clearly, a very high quality friend alerting me to the fact that Petsmart had a sale on Guinea Pig Christmas outfits and I had better act fast if I wanted in. Immediately I got online to search this obvious...
Like many people these days I’ve been feeling a little numb. Ready for some tomorrows to be over before they even come, checking the clock much earlier than I used to, allowing my kids to do things that 8 months ago I would have never let them do...