I think we have all been needing a break from each other. Fantasies of knapsacks, and train tracks. At least a few days away. It’s showing up in how forcefully the dishwasher gets loaded. It’s showing up in how often we sigh. In the long looks with...
Several days ago, a young, single friend of mine was lamenting on Facebook that he wished that there was something that someone could say to him to help take away his constant thoughts about wishing he was a married man. At the time, the only thing...
Maybe it has already been tried, and whether it would work, I don’t know; But Should we try putting 2020 in a bag of rice? This week has been extra intense. So intense that with each new thing that comes along, my 11 year old has shouted out what...
I thought surely it was the coffee. I hadn’t sucked down two giant cups of it quite like that in months. Merely one step down from how a python would have done it – Entire mug shaped bulge stuck mid-way down my throat. Or maybe it was my...
“Mama, what’s a riot?” A question I never thought she’d ask. But it is a question I answered, before a long conversation on what is happening in our country, and the way that we can stand up, be a voice, and help out. “You know all of those times...
This day had me TIRED. Sending the kids outside to just listen to the soothing sound of only the dishwasher hum tired. Plan them a backyard campout that lasts several days with a sizable reward for whoever comes inside to pee the least tired. I feel...
We were not long into our nightly loop. The girls on their bikes and I, on foot, had just turned in the cul-de-sack when an old man who had been gardening in one of the neighbor’s yards drove up from behind and slowed, rolling his window down a bit...
As soon as I saw that my youngest daughter, Paige, had fixed herself breakfast on Sunday morning by spreading a half of a family-sized bag of Ruffles out on the entertainment cabinet like a charcuterie board, I really knew she was beginning to crack...
I don’t know if it started with the skinny dipping in the hot tub while only wearing Mardi-Gras beads, or with the institution of “Cookie Hour,” But Friends, We’ve thrown out all law over here. I know that we are not alone. My friend Randall –...
*Dedicated to my mom who shows me how every day. Happy Mother’s Day. I love you forever* The other day I FaceTimed my mom to check up on her. Being that she is 74, and not one to be told what to do, I have taken to messaging her often throughout...