ShowMom Outnumbered

Episode 70

Look Alive

Last week both of my middle schoolers came down with the flu. For a solid week they ran fevers, and did nothing more than watch TV and use even more cups than usual. On Tuesday when my husband announced from the bed that he felt like he was coming...

Episode 69

The Walk

I told my kids we were going on a walk in the woods this weekend. In my mind I saw them lit perfectly by the golden hour, set free with smiles way up ahead on a gently winding trail. I pictured them bent over, sweetly smiling at bugs crawling on...

Episode 68


I stood in the check-out line three people deep. Only one checker again. The line behind me was growing, and the woman in front of me looked backwards and sighed as the woman at the register still stayed questioning something on her receipt. You...

Episode 67

Calm Down

Well, I made it. Night one of back-to-school after the holidays, and I can’t say I’m coming in hot. Christmas comes to lull you with its soft twinkle lights and never-before smelled scents such as “marshmallowcane birch;” (Does the candle smell like...
