I stood in the check-out line three people deep. Only one checker again. The line behind me was growing, and the woman in front of me looked backwards and sighed as the woman at the register still stayed questioning something on her receipt. You...
Well, I made it. Night one of back-to-school after the holidays, and I can’t say I’m coming in hot. Christmas comes to lull you with its soft twinkle lights and never-before smelled scents such as “marshmallowcane birch;” (Does the candle smell like...
So, here we are. A brand new year. A brand new decade. In the interest of attempting a fresh start like one is pressured to do, I even put on perfume today, which is when my 11 year old, Tessa, walked in mid-spray and stood there looking confused...
My most together friend messaged this morning saying she was going to stop by with a gift for me. The friend with the always smooth hair. The friend with the always clean car. The friend I cannot imagine ever has any issues with eating while wearing...
The family wanted ice cream, so my daughter Tessa and I walked into the store to choose some. That’s when I noticed him – A homeless man huddled under a sleeping bag up against the front of the store. Hair uncombed. Face dirty and drawn...
From the very first day they went to Jr. High I knew it was coming. The Embarrassment. Classic partner to every pre-teen. I know that this stage is a rite of passage, and I have tried every day not to take it too hard as my girls have walked way in...
We decorated our tree tonight. My order-loving husband hid his eyes in the kitchen and busied himself with sanitizing the already clean counter tops as to avoid watching the kids put 70 ornaments in the same one foot square again. Watching them like...
With a family like mine you get used to it. How something’s always just a little off. You learn to stop being overly concerned by what people may think. Like how this summer the dog had completely chewed off the straps of Chloe’s only brand new pair...
I went to the doctor this week to have her look at my elbow, which has been hurting terribly for quite some time. During my exam, the doctor asked me what kind of motions I do with my arm. I just looked at her a second, not really knowing how to...
This is a picture of my nearly 13 year old daughter, Chloe, about to attend her very first school dance. Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “Why, Kerri, I would have expected an actual photograph of such a momentous occasion as a...