We had just gone into the store for a couple of sandwiches. When my mom is here visiting, my daughter Tessa lives her best granddaughter life, and eats whatever she wants. I had tried telling her we had food at home that I planned to make, but as a...
The much-talked-about annual fifth grade outdoor education camp was coming up, and for weeks Paige had told me she did not want to go. I don’t know if it has been the pandemic or just her personality, but these days she rarely ever wants to leave...
I could hear Justin outside talking to someone as he worked on chipping away at the huge bark pile he had had dumped weeks ago. I had been begging him to get spread out where it belonged. I asked him who it was he had been talking to when he walked...
This is not my first time here – This age of embarrassment. With her as my fourth daughter to reach 5th grade, I was already prepared for how getting my 11-year-old, Paige, to this point would feel. I knew to expect the hissing voice, telling...
After our beloved cat, Cosmo, was killed tragically in our driveway by a neighbor a couple of years ago, poppies started springing up from the rock. Directly over the spot where his body had lay, they grew like an unplanned memorial the earth showed...
She has always drawn all over her hands; In blue ink, and red ink, and with black sharpies. I asked her so many times to please stop doing it. My reasoning was simply that it looked dirty to me, to see her looking like that. Tessa is my middle...
She was the type who could do almost anything. Everything she baked was delicious, she could sew intricately, and her garden buzzed with life that she had brought to it. I remember watching my mom’s best friend, Lyn, as a kid, thinking that I hoped...
A couple of weeks ago my dad invited us to come to a house he was clearing out after an estate sale. When we arrived, he opened the door to a large house, still relatively full of antique furniture and artwork. He told us to take anything we wanted...
When I picked her up the other day from a play date at her friend Chase’s, I noticed her back was stained green when she turned to gather her things. My daughter, Paige, is always surprising, but I wasn’t expecting her to say that it was guacamole...
“But, we don’t need another dog.” I knew that’s what he’d say. My husband, Justin, wasn’t raised around animals the way that I was. They don’t feel vital to survival to him the way they do to me. When our then 15 year old daughter, Alena, showed me...