I have a confession to make. I *may have* just used my five day leftover butternut squash soup as personal taco leverage by asking my husband, Justin, to pick up Mexican food on his way home from work for us all (since I don’t want to cook) and then...
If my daughter Paige’s genetic ties to me were ever in question, one would need to look no further than the fancy candy store in the next town, and keep an eye on what she gets when given the opportunity to choose something; The rest of any given...
Sometimes I think my mom dreamed of having a daughter for the express purpose of having someone to say the phrase “sounds like early menopause” to. For at least 10 years, she has been suggesting it after every random symptom I relay. There is no...
At least once a day, my 10 year old, Paige, requests the definition of a thing; Some word she saw or heard and doesn’t quite know what to do with. It never dawns on me to look up a proper definition of the thing she is asking about. I take on coming...
Wasn’t it just yesterday I was saying to a friend how happy I was that I hadn’t experienced my typical post-Christmas downward spiral where the world suddenly looks all gray, and sad, and everything feels wrong? I had patted myself on the back for...
It really is kind of funny how you can make such a drastic shift within a 24 hour period, and go from being over the top with your Motherhood Christmas Home OCD to suddenly sitting in a pile of paper, scraps, candy wrappers, and used plates, and you...
This is the first Christmas where no one believes in Santa anymore in my house. It’s sad when the magic goes. There’s a hole left in its place. My 10 year old confided this year, “I know it’s you. You don’t have to pretend anymore that it’s not.” I...
Gratitude – Some days it’s harder to feel it than others; On the days when the kids are sick again, or your bank account is running low. I, for one, know I’d like to take my tax bill and drop-kick that thing. I’ve been struggling this week to...
We’ve all been sick around here for weeks. I guess I shouldn’t have made fun of my husband and his Man Flu last week, as the response to my teasing had a lightning bolt attached to it. For weeks it’s been one person then the next, one sickness...
I’m not saying it’s a Man Flu my husband has. I’m just saying that when I had the same illness two weeks ago, I painted the entire interior of a house, and helped my daughter move. I get it. I do. Some people’s bodies respond much worse to illnesses...