ShowZen Den

Episode 104

You Are Here

Because we Homo sapiens have a brain that is large enough to imagine illusions of grandeur, as individuals, we tend to overly inflate the significance of our own existence. And while it is wildly inconceivable for most of us, some of us literally...

Episode 103

The Others

“Fear” the emotion which Franklin D. Roosevelt declared is “the only thing we have to fear” has always been used as a political tactic. In fact, it is the favorite psychological tool of despots, dictators, religious cult leaders and self-proclaimed...

Episode 96

Finding JOY in Chaos

What a crazy time! Our entire world combatting a lethal virus, the flames of culture wars being ignited daily, chaos and mayhem filling our cities and civil unrest dominating our nightly news stories . . . the relentless pelting of our souls can be...
