ShowZen Den

Episode 62

America the Colorful

Enjoying our coffee on this beautiful sunshine embossed morning, my husband and I were given the most beautiful gift of light. In the midst of talking about gratitude, a spectrum appeared on the carpet in front of us. Vibrant and perfect, the...

Episode 60

Taming the Beast

Your chest tightens making it difficult to breath. You can feel the blood coursing through your veins, the carotid arteries on each side of your neck pulsating like they might explode. The thunderous pounding of your heart is reacting like there is...

Episode 56

Unacceptable Redefined

I don’t recognize a lot of things anymore these days, as civility and ethical behavior take a backseat to bloviating and bluster. What used to be considered unacceptable behavior by statesmen now seems to be standard procedure. I used to think I...

Episode 55


Eyes are a beautiful gift; some would even say “a window to the soul.” Every day I am grateful for this treasure of eyesight which allows me to view the bright red cardinal singing outside my window, the colorful leaves and the ever changing hues in...
