Here’s to Saving Movie Theaters

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The movie theater near me is very cool. First of all, it is just two miles from my house and next to my supermarket so I can just drive by and look at what is playing. I know, “You could just pull it up on your phone, BOB!” I know that. I like to look at the posters, ok? Not everything should be done because you can do it on-line. For Lord’s sake I have a new coffee cup I got as a Christmas gift that stays hot by my going to its app and adjusting the temp on-line. I think future couples will adjust their orgasm intensity with an app.

Anyway, the movie theater near me was voted by whoever votes on these things as the coolest movie theater in our area. It has thick, sumptuous, red leather seats which recline. It has a full bar and wine area where you can drink and socialize or just get some booze and see the film. Two semi-bald tiny dogs the owners of the theater have, roam throughout the four-screen building at will. You can be watching a movie and a small dog may just decide to sit down next to you. Some folks hate that, I kind of like it.

There is no one at the ticket booth, you just buy your seats at the counter with the popcorn. I like that. What I don’t like is after I buy the ticket, I choose my seat on a computer. I just want to stumble in the dark and find some open seat during previews.

I saw the latest Spider-Man movie because…. I just thought I should see it.
Pretty good. Great cast, but of course, as with any Marvel movie the real stars are the computer generation people. Although I guess I must say, after a while the fight scenes sort of run together. That said, if I were in the Niantic, Connecticut two screen theater when I was twelve and that movie came on, I would have been stunned, and gone back to see it twelve times. And let me say, Willem Dafoe can make his face look like the leader off a Navy Seal team, or the scariest villain on earth, with the possible exception of Tucker Carlson when his hemorrhoids are flaring.

As I got my ticket, I noticed a jar that had a little sign which said…” Contributions to keep the theater going.” The owners are honest people. Covid has hurt us all. I tossed in a few bucks. Sometimes you need to get off the sofa and go somewhere. A movie theater with red leather seats, beer and weird dogs is one of those places. I wore a mask.

I do like my new coffee cup, though. The app works.

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  • The McDonald theater is now a concert venue when I was young it was one of the only movie theaters. On Saturday you would bring a wrapper from Wonder Bread and get in for cheaper. I saw “Planet of the Apes” at about 9 years old, when the gorillas came on their horses to round up the humans it Scared the living Crap out of me. Thank you Bob Lacey always really enjoy reading and listening about your life stories and experiences, have a Fabulous day.

  • Love this Bob, we are heading out soon to see “Get Back” Beatles special event at Stonecrest Theater. Watched the 6 hr on Disney+ brilliant & no not all in one sitting. Hubby is a huge Beatles fan! Excited to head to the cinema, masked of course.

  • They bulldozed our local multi-screen movie theater to build……..yet ANOTHER car dealership….just what a lot of us movie-watchers wanted! I miss looking at the posters too, and grabbing the HUGE drink and popcorn combo(calories don’t count because you’re eating in the dark theater), I just loved going in there and just immersing myself in whatever movie I or my daughter and husband chose…and only once do I remember wanting my money back for wasting my time on a rotten-tomato-level picture!

  • We contributed to our local movie house, City Lights Cinemas in Florence, Oregon. They made it through the pandemic, yay!

  • I have fond memories of the McDonald theater! The wonder bread wrappers were a great deal. I loved sitting in the balcony. Later when I visited family, I saw Bobcat Golthwait there. Didn’t realize he was as funny and musically talented.

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