I’m so done with obsessing about my weight. I’m tired of thinking about how I look all the damn time. I’m exhausted from being embarrassed...
Stay in the loop
Ah, Middle School. So we meet again. This is now my fourth rodeo, and you would think I would be a pro at this, but, as if right on cue...
When I lived in LA I did Tae Bo, ran the Santa Monica steps, roller bladed, and started doing yoga. I will be honest, I only started doing...
My sisters and I took our mom to see Barry Manilow for her birthday last week. It was my mom’s fifth time seeing him, but my first. This is...
I finished the painting I’ve been working on in the nursery today. I have my very first grandbaby on the way. Decorating has always been in...
The age old saying, you can’t pour from an empty cup and put on your oxygen mask first holds true. How can we nurture and take care...
I recently received a text from one of my favorite humans that read, “Potluck Sunday?” I responded with an exuberant, “Yes!” My friend...
In the eleventh hour of summer, my daughter Chloe decided she wanted to switch high schools. Knowing the immense troubles she had faced at...
“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” Charles R. SwindollNo matter what else we do in our lives, if we’re not...
We shift into Virgo season this week which is a little more challenging than usual because on the very same day, Mercury goes retrograde! A...