“But, we don’t need another dog.” I knew that’s what he’d say. My husband, Justin, wasn’t raised around animals the way that I was. They...
Stay in the loop
I’m very grateful I don’t have much of a sweet tooth. I’m often perplexed by my husband’s need for nightly ice cream. I eat ice cream maybe...
“If my life weren’t funny it would just be true, and that is unacceptable.” This is my all-time favorite quote and how I approach my life...
I have a confession to make. I *may have* just used my five day leftover butternut squash soup as personal taco leverage by asking my...
Astrology is made up of so many big events and movements involving ‘this’ planet or ‘that’ star and even some unheard-of-before...
I’ve stuck my toe into the organizational nightmare of cleaning my basement garage. No one but myself and my husband goes into this space...
If my daughter Paige’s genetic ties to me were ever in question, one would need to look no further than the fancy candy store in the next...
Lots of new and fun things have rolled out in 2023! With those changes comes a few hiccups here and there so I’m creating this...
Astrology and horoscopes offer an alternative insight into our individual experiences in an increasingly alternative world. Ancient...
My daughter was home from school over the holidays and teaching her how to drive was one of the top items on our to-do list. She has had...