In recent years I’ve tried to be more open and honest about my mental health struggles. I believe strongly in normalizing mental health...
Stay in the loop
I could hear Justin outside talking to someone as he worked on chipping away at the huge bark pile he had had dumped weeks ago. I had been...
Post-vacation blues (Canada and US), post-holiday blues (UK, Ireland and some Commonwealth countries) or post-travel depression (PTD) is a...
We are entering some interesting times with a Mercury retrograde in Taurus coming to spin things around. The first official...
I’ve been married for nearly 30 years and I love my husband very much. If we’re being honest, there are probably very few (if any) other...
This is not my first time here – This age of embarrassment. With her as my fourth daughter to reach 5th grade, I was already prepared...
Airports make me sentimental. Although I’m aware that many people are flying to attend a conference in Omaha or something else equally as...
First it was “quite quitting” now it’s “lifestyle fatigue”. A phrase Huff Post just talked about. Lifestyle...
My bestie and I were chatting recently about a sequel to a book we both read. We both liked the original book, but couldn’t remember much...
After our beloved cat, Cosmo, was killed tragically in our driveway by a neighbor a couple of years ago, poppies started springing up from...