Wasn’t it just yesterday I was saying to a friend how happy I was that I hadn’t experienced my typical post-Christmas downward spiral where...
Stay in the loop
It really is kind of funny how you can make such a drastic shift within a 24 hour period, and go from being over the top with your...
This is the first Christmas where no one believes in Santa anymore in my house. It’s sad when the magic goes. There’s a hole left in its...
It has been my goal to learn a second language for as long as I can remember. I took two years of Spanish in high school, followed by one...
A muted lucky season thanks to a few more inner planet retrogrades than usual, we all take an interior look and dive into the unique facets...
Hey back when we worked in corporate radio, we always knew when the holidays were near because our coworker, Jim Barroll, would bring in...
My dad wanted a boy more than anything in the world. He had three girls. Life is cruel, but my dad persevered. I guess it could be said he...
Pay attention Earth signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn because, in the next few weeks, a juicy secret may be coming your way! Something...
I’ve always been a big reader. As soon as I finish one book, I dive into another. I just love the act of reading. However, the pandemic has...
Gratitude – Some days it’s harder to feel it than others; On the days when the kids are sick again, or your bank account is running...