I love fall. Every year it’s like I get more desperate for its arrival. By the time it gets to September, I’m like, “I’m going to need a...
Stay in the loop
I’m not a person who lives in fear. Anxiety? Totally, but not exactly fear. I think I hold an average amount of fear for a woman. There is...
It seems every time I log onto social media, some new friend is posting about their child’s College Move-In Day. It must just be the age...
As I take a deep breath and know this will not go over well in the area I work in with holistic health and wellness but something in my gut...
There is very little in this world I love more than back-to-school shopping. I loved it when my daughter, Josie, was little. I went into...
Two weeks ago, to round out summer, my mom offered that, if I could come up with a cost-effective last-hurrah summer trip itinerary for me...
And just like that, it’s a new school year. As you step into this new school year, whether it’s your last year of middle school...
I’ve moved 13 times in my life. That is quite a few. I would like to stop at number 14. I’ve only dreaded moving a couple of times. Most...
We went on our annual Moms and kids camping trip last week. It’s been nearly a decade of that same exact thing. My friend Amanda and I load...
In my basement, I have two big shelves filled with board and card games. Everything from Yahtzee to Sorry! to Trivial Pursuit. There is no...