Mercury is in Capricorn where it will see out the rest of the year which means direct hitting communication and lots of chatter PLUS 100 miles per hour thoughts! With lots of sign shifts occurring, you’ll want to stay up to date with the potential...
As Mercury moves into Libra this week, all signs of the zodiac could experience an interesting exchange of words, a message that comes just at the right time or some matters that are ready to be balanced out. Aries Horoscope It could be difficult to...
Mars moves into the maiden, perfectionism loving earth sign of Virgo this week which adds a level of motivation or maybe even conflict into the mix.  For Aries that means you have more energy at your disposal, which you’ll need because things...
We’re now officially in Cancer season which means a shift of focus for each of the signs. For Aries, this could be dealing with some technical issues, especially with gadgets and devices in the home. It may be time to replace electronics which could...
Finally, all zodiac signs are officially under the influence of Pluto in Aquarius, the dwarf planet that doesn’t hold back. Its last sign change was in 2008, back when its move into Capricorn ushered in over a decade of transformation that...
Astrology is made up of so many big events and movements involving ‘this’ planet or ‘that’ star and even some unheard-of-before comets and asteroids, that it can be hard to keep track of them all. However, one of the more commonly known...
Astrology and horoscopes offer an alternative insight into our individual experiences in an increasingly alternative world. Ancient civilizations believed in the power of the ‘spheres’ in the sky, with one such obvious example being the Sun...
There are so many celestial moves this coming week and with Mercury, the planet of communication, now traveling direct in disciplined and say-it-as-it-is sign Capricorn, a lot of paperwork errors or misunderstandings can finally be cleared up. Add...
Friday the 13th comes with its usual ominous ambiance and then some, as the planets, especially Mars, begin to move forward again. If it has felt like this whole season of celestial shifts has grouped together to give you a challenging time...
The new year began on the back foot with one of the more commonly known retrogrades in full swing at the very moment the ball dropped and the times changed. Mercury, the planet of communication and the internet, has been motioning backward in...