To say January was both a surprising and a sad month would be an understatement. Bob announcing his long-deserved retirement was both bad news and great news. Bad because it is the end of a storied career that lasted for decades. Bad because he will be missed terribly by so many people, especially the tens of thousands of loyal, longtime listeners who love him so much. Not to mention the people who worked closely with him, especially Sheri, who is not just a co-worker, but a very best friend. Surprising, because those of us on the show knew that his retirement was “eventually” coming, but the reality was way more of a shock than we could ever expect.
It is also great news because after giving most of his life entertaining others, he can now take time to enjoy his wife, kids, and grandchildren, and do the things he has always wanted to do but didn’t have the time. I can’t think of anybody more deserving. Now, where does that leave the Bob and Sheri Show? Well, for sure it can never be the same without Bob. There is no replacing him since he truly is irreplaceable. Sheri is not only one of the smartest people I’ve ever met but also the quickest and funniest person I know. But the job she does so well is very hard to do unless she has someone to talk to. That is where I come in.
For the last year and a half, I have had the privilege of being with the show full time and it has been awesome! Now it is different. Still awesome, but not the same without Bob. I can never fill his shoes, but I must fill the void that he left. Of course, I am excited at the opportunity, but I am also intimidated by the responsibility. And once again, you, the listeners, have stepped up! The outpouring of emails and posts I have received from you has been so very supportive. Your encouragement is overwhelming in a great way. So many people saying to me, “You’ve got this!” “We are with you!” “We love you!” These very kind words are very much appreciated. It goes a long way in taking off the pressure. I assure you that I am doing my very best to help the show be successful. Sheri, Max, Doc, and Heather are helping me in so many ways, and I couldn’t be more grateful. Again, I thank you all so much for listening and if you have any suggestions of ways I can do better, please let me know. Well, except for the accent of course, I don’t have the accent, you do, and I don’t mind!
You got this the show.
What accent?!!! Missing Bob but loving the camaraderie amongst the remaining cast. You all are my best work buds, Is that pathetic? I think 🤔 not!
This sucks that you even needed to put this out there! You are and have always been a part of this show for over 20+ years or more! Keep being you accent and more – you are fantastic!!
Yes, your accent is strong!! But we aren’t talking about that. Lol
I’ve listened to them since day 1. I struggle to find a time in my adult years that I haven’t. My rocks, my laughs, I feel like my entire adult life is hard core Bob and Sheri. I grew up in NJ and my parents watched/listened to PM magazine!
Sheri was a baby then and I am bit younger but my sisters girls are almost the exact same age as hers.
I look forward to keep listening! Lamar, you’re sooo fun!! You add the southern spice! I appreciate it and support you because I know it has to be a bit scary filling in Bob’s shoes.
But you’re not….. you’re bringing your own energy in . Loved you for years and grateful this show is still giving me joy!
I only discovered your show 6 months ago, and downloaded every episode I could find (thankfully hundreds!) I’ve been loving it so much, and was so sad to hear that Bob would be leaving. I thought “Wait a minute, I just met you, now you’re leaving?!” Of course I understand all the hard work he’s been doing for years, and I wish him all the best and hope his retirement is everything he hopes for and more. I’m so relieved that the show will continue because I genuingly love you guys. Especially in these very stressful times (I’m Canadian and the annexation talk has ignited a fury in me I didn’t think possible)…it’s so important to have lovely funny people like you to cheer us up. So I hope you do the show for many years, and I want to send my love to Sheri (what a lovely woman, so smart and funny, and a fellow Swiftie!), Lamar (what an amazingly great, hilarious story teller), and Max (I adore him, and his infectious laugh is really something special!) – My warmest wishes for a continued show, and I’m so grateful for all of the hard work you do to keep us informed and entertained. Hugs from Oak Bay, BC, Canada (aka Never Going to Be the 51st State) 🙂 xo
Lamar, you are a great addition to the show! While we miss Bob’s wit, we now get to hear more from you and Max!
Where can I find Sheri on the radio? I was told that she was no longer on Q102.3. I don’t care for the current morning show.
I miss them on 102.3 as well. I don’t think any other local stations carry them but I have been listening to their podcasts. I think that’s the only way we’ll get our dose of the show in north Georgia.
Generally catch up on the weekend. Last episode I listened to was excellent.
Carry one Doodle Bug…..
Oh! I think LaMar is the perfect choice. Quick witted and that accent is great!
Lamar, love having you on the show on a permanent basis. Sure we all miss Bob, but you have a place in our hearts also. Have always enjoyed hearing your stories (from the beer truck)! and you are a natural. Welcome to the neighborhood!!!
In the past week or so, when several of the staff also join in on the broadcast conversation, the show seems funnier, livelier, and more engaging. Love it!
You’re doing great!
Love you, Lamar! Always have!
Will miss Bob! Lamar, so glad you’re here!!! It’s gonna be great!
Lamar, I really enjoy you being more involved on the show. Your wit & humor are so entertaining. I enjoy hearing the way you talk, makes me feel so at home. I miss hearing the Deep Southern accent since I live in Virginia now, but I grew up in South Alabama. You are doing a FANTASTIC job!!!
This makes me so sad. I started listening to Bob and Sheri when I first moved to NC in 2008. Every morning. Then when I could stream it when I was in Rhode Island for the summer, I was thrilled. I’m sorry to see Bob leave, but I wish him every happiness life could give him. Thank you Lamar for taking on the job.
You bring so much happiness to so many Lamar it is so hard to find a genuine kind soul in this life and you are certainly one! (even if you didn’t like the hot dog toaster!!!)
Lamar you are doing an amazing job!! Love you!!
It’s great to hear even more of you now Lamar! You’re laugh is infectious and you, Sheri and brighten every morning…..Thank Y’all for what you do!
Bob will be missed, indeed. He’s been there through so many of my hard times and many of my best times, along with Sheri, of course.
Lamar, you do have big shoes to fill big but I can’t think of a better person to do it. You have such endearing quality and southern charm about you. This will be an amazing asset to the show. Your funny matches Sheri’s. You’re not the movie guy any more you’re “Bob 2!” Let any Bobisms you have shine through.
I can’t wait to see where it all leads. Best wishes to all of you!
Hey Lamar. I’m a long time listener from East Coast Canada for about 20 years and even though Bob has retired you will be more than capable of filling in. I’ve loved your stories and laughed along with the gang. I also retired last year as a truck driver and you And the Bob and Sheri show filled my every week of driving time with entertainment and laughter. Thank you for that.
Never doubt that you are doing amazing things, your full-time addition to the show was a natural as you have been part of the show for so many years! As you said, Bob is irreplaceable but you are your very own special talent, so funny, so quick and you continue to bring laughter to every show where you are a participant, the daily B&S show, The Oddcast, Happy Hour, Talking Lamar…I’ve been a listener for over 28 years and I’m no quitter…keep up the great work!
Lamar, I really Appreciate You! You’re doing an Awesome job of filling the void that Bob left! I really Love your stories! Especially the one where you’d get woken up in the middle of a school night to go with daddy to get some booze. Lol So many good ones! It is nice also that you guys are playing things from the Archive Vault so we can still hear Bob every so often. 😉 You all have your own personalities and each and every one of you would be be greatly missed if you stopped being on the show. So, Please don’t ever leave the show (at least until I’m long gone). 😅 Thanks for all you do; I greatly Appreciate it! 🤗
I have really enjoyed you on the show and I don’t know what accent you are referring to because funny an accent all it’s self. I’m very happy to have you.
Lamar, I love hearing you on the show! Glad you’re in it for the long haul.
I have listen for a long time. Missing Bob and everyone. That made my morning drive easier. What time are you guys are the radio now. I miss the morning show . I live in Oxnard but drive to Santa Barbara every day and Wishing you guys were there to listen to. I can’t wait to hear from you
Lamar!! I love the health advice you give— seriously!!! I also want to hear more about food history from you.
You are doing a great job.
Lamar, you are awesome. I will miss Bob of course, but since my husband and I have left the Savannah area I miss Georgia so much. While we were stationed in Fort Stewart, Georgia became our home so many Friends became family and I miss them every minute of everyday. There is no substitute for Georgia southern charm you give me a little bit of that everyday thank you. Currently stuck in Kansas we will make our way back to Georgia and the family we got to choose.
I LOVE the show and am a many-years listener. Your stories and voices are so comforting, uplifting and so often make me laugh out loud. Bob and Sheri, Max, Doc and LaMar have been like friends that I enjoy listening to each morning. Congratulations Bob on your retirement! You certainly will be missed. That first Monday the show aired after your last day, I was so relieved to hear Bob’s voice during the show and am happy that segments with Bob will still be included in the show going forward. And, LaMar, you have been a wonderful addition to the show! I’m so glad you became full time! Please keep up the good work!
Yes, the show isn’t the same without Bob. He brought “Bob-isms” that could only happen to him. And yes, Lamar, you have an accent. But it is a nice contrast that you bring to the show. Bob brought the “Bob-isms”, but Lamar brings Lamarcula and other perspectives that I wouldn’t have known about – don’t let dragonflies count your teeth? Huh? But, mayo on hot dogs? Yes! I tried it and wish I found out about this sooner! Thank you very much, Lamar, for what bring to the show!
Doing great, fam!!
You are doing great and the show will go on and continue keeping on keeping on….Hooray!
He will be missed
You’re doing great! I’ve been a listener since the 90s and miss Bob, but y’all have navigated this change seamlessly. Best wishes.
Not sure if you heard this one but of advice but if I was to say what I have noticed is that some of the content on the show is “things they have seen” so maybe a notepad if you don’t use the technology and note things that you see when you are out and about.
People doing random acts of kindness, bad drivers, pomegranate prices (lol), items in the store that you wonder WHO is buying that?
I’m sure you k ow what I’m talking about. And honestly ~ your camping stories are interesting. So maybe ~ where’s the campsite located? 15 miles N of Charleston, close to this monument, what’s there to do there? Kayaking? Hiking? How many campsites? Kid friendly?
Anyway “you got this”.
Bless the hearts of those who do not appreciate the southern accent. This faithful listener will continue to be faithful, enjoying the laughter, stories and being a part of the Bob & Sheri family.
Love you Lamar! I’m a new transplant to NC and I love the show. I’m so glad I have discovered the show. You guys make my morning and my husband and I talk (and laugh) about it for the rest of the day
Love the show and love Sheri, Lamar, Max and Doc!!!
We will all miss Bob but I’m so happy to have the rest of the Bob and Sheri family to follow. Bob will enjoy his retirement while the rest of us continue to enjoy the family he built. Thank you for the many years of laughter Bob! Carry on Lamar!
You are right, Lamar. Bob is irreplaceable. But you are Lamar and you will make your own mark on the show, and it will be great!
Hey Lamar, good on Bob for getting to retire. On another note, I was thrilled when they added you full time to the cast of characters. I have loved your movie reviews for YEARS. My home folks hail from the hills of Tennessee down to the shores of coastal North Carolina & I adore the accents. It is charming, don’t change a thing. Best of all to Y’all. BTW, what’s the name of the show, now?
Thanks for being there, Jus’ Cheryl
Glad you are part of the broadcast.Always thought you should be part of this show.
Of course Bob is missed. However, I cannot think of a better person to try and fill his shoes. You have sure come a long way from the guy who would call in from the Waffle House! It is an awesome origin story for the ages! 🙂
Congratulations!!! I hope the carry the show in my area again!
Love Bob so much, but even this vegan appreciates Kerrygold Butter, bacon obsessed Lamar!!! 😋
Lamar, you are not Bob. You are right, he cannot be replaced. But I can say for certain that I have never heard anyone like Lamar on the radio. I love what you bring to the table and enjoy your stories, perspectives and back and forth with Sheri. Bob was always the “long suffering” sidekick to Sheri and his wife. You are not that. But I wouldn’t want you to be. It was funny to see Bob in those scenarios but you will bring something different to the conversation and that’s good. Some folks struggle with change and that’s hard when you are the “new guy”. But we love you and are so happy you are there.
Lamar, you are the perfect fit for the show. We love your great stories. Sheri is lucky to have you by her side!
Lamar, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your accent! It is so warm and loving and welcoming.
Thank you for being a part of The Bob & Sheri Show and for being a part of my life!
Craig from Wake Forest (the town; not the university)
I will Miss Bob and his humor. I have also enjoyed the humor that you have brought to the show. I’m sure you will continue to do well, and you have great co workers to help you in this new role.
My husband listened to the Bob and Sheri show religiously and loved the commentary you added, Lamar! My husband ( of 51 years) passed away in November. By the time I could settle down long enough to sit at his desk and listen to the show, carried on 105.2 out of Rome, GA, ya’ll weren’t there!! Things just didn’t seem right! I figured since Spencer had left, then ya’ll decided to leave, too!! 😟 I was glad Spencer wasn’t here to know his beloved Bob and Sheri were no longer being carried by 105.2. I turned to the show because I enjoyed it, too, but I knew it would also make me feel close to Spencer. Imagine my shock and disappointment to hear someone called ‘Raven’ instead of Sheri!
So – I don’t know where to find ya’ll now. I wish I did. I always loved your additions to the show. Best of luck to you and Sheri. I know you miss Bob terribly but I also know the show is in good hands with you and Sheri – and Max.