I have some friends who are adopting.
Once their home-study was done,
the agency reminded them that it could take a very long time to be picked by a birth-mother,
so it was best to not get their hopes up.
4 weeks after that conversation,
they got a call that they had been chosen,
and by the way,
“The baby is due in a week.”
All along they thought they had more time to register, have a shower, set up a bedroom, choose a name.
Instead they are in overdrive now,
preparing for something they never expected would happen so soon.
I smiled yesterday as I looked through their online registry.
I smiled at all the things they needed, remembering my own babies so small,
and I smiled at the things they don’t know yet that they won’t need at all.
I thought about what kind of sage advice I’d give these new parents-to-be if they asked me,
thinking myself so seasoned;
So wise.
I put away the registry in time to put my own kids to bed,
and while doing so,
my youngest handed me a book.
I read about 8 pages in to “Rappy Goes to Mars,” when Rappy the Raptor declared he
“really didn’t give a hoot”
and my daughter Paige stopped me dead in my tracks.
ME: “…She said that I was kind of cute.
I really didn’t give a hoot.”
HER: “Wait. WHAT?! *placing hand over page* We can’t read dis book.
It’s so inappwopwiate.”
ME: “Inappropriate? Why?”
HER: “Right dere.”
“He says he ‘didn’t give a hoot.”
ME: “What’s wrong with that?
It means he didn’t care.”
HER: “Dey shouldn’t just be talking about BOOBS in a kid’s book.
He just said da word for boobs and so we shouldn’t read it.”
ME: *closing eyes for a very long time*
“Um. Paige. That’s HootERS,
and that’s a whole different thing.”
PAIGE: “Well, So what is it, den?
I saw it beside da road dat day we went to Costco, and Daddy said it was a pwace we couldn’t go cause it was all just boobs.”
And that,
my friends,
is when I spent my child’s precious bed time story moments,
explaining exactly what Hooters is.
Because of course.
There I was, so seasoned, so wise,
being STILL completely thrown off guard by something nearly 20 years into my own motherhood.
Earlier that same day, this same child
– jewel in my crown –
had come to me in Walmart carrying a mini shovel.
She held it up with begging eyes.
When I asked her what she thought she would do with that shovel, she answered,
“I’m gonna become a gold digger.”
I’m sure you can imagine my pride.
So much I didn’t expect…
I never expected how much of the time I’d spend wishing they would just, FOR THE LOVE, go to sleep.
I never expected how much packing school lunches would feel like some kind of nightly motherhood internment camp.
I never expected how many times the things they said while in a public bathroom stall with me would have me wishing teleportation was a thing.
I never expected to have to explain that public bathroom feminine hygiene product dispensers were not actually a game,
and just because a package fell out when you turned the knob does not, in fact,
mean that you won.
Also, that’s a pad and not a sticker so please take it off your shirt.
I never expected I’d ever say the words,
“We don’t lick the giraffe enclosures” at a zoo, but friends, indeed I have.
I never expected that when you have a baby you are basically signing up to do homework assignments for 13 more years.
Tonight as I messaged this Soon-to-Be Mom and I checked in on her,
she told me that she had never felt so stressed out and happily excited before.
I smiled once again thinking,
“And therein lies being a mom.”
There has truly never been a wilder,
more surprising, stressful, hilarious, rickety, amazing thing;
And you are never EVER “ready.”
If only registries never ended.
If I could register for what I feel like I need today, with a seven year old, two pre-teens,
and my oldest about to get married,
that registry would include
duct tape, wine,
and a very thick book of liturgical prayers.
What do I think these friends need to register for?
Wipes, gas drops, a crib that vibrates, restaurant gift cards, and 20 trips to the spa.
That’s just the Starter Pack.
And what advice do I give these precious souls just starting out?
Take deep breaths,
Put on your game face,
Expect the unexpected
until the end of time.