In my youth, I was a champion napper. The Queen of sleep in general, to be honest. Parenthood and perimenopause changed all that. About 10 years ago I lost my ability to nap. This was most alarming as a devoted napper. Despite my ability to not...
We know you need a good vacation and what makes a vacation worthwhile for Lamar? Food! Enter and you could win your chance to flyway and do some cooking with Lamar in Tampa, Florida! The vacation package includes: Three (3) consecutive night stay at...
“Here’s to strong women: May we know them. May we raise them. May we be them.” Rosa Parks. Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Malala Yousafzai. Oprah Winfrey. Amelia Earhart. and My Mom. These are just a few of the countless women who have shaped...
Hey Folks! We try our best to be with you each week on Thursday night 7pm for happy hour but in spite of our best efforts we sometimes have to take some time for travel or other prior commitments. In an effort to keep you informed of what we know in...
Submit a photo of your Kitty Best friend and one winner will be chosen each week to recieve a caturday prize pack with a keepsake photoframe and a cat scratcher box from Hide & Scratch. pspspspsps use promo code bobandsheri for free...