Don’t borrow trouble. This is a saying one of my best friends introduced me to about 20 years ago. When she first said it, I really had to stop and think. I’m a worrier, just like my Granny. I love to borrow trouble! Has there ever been a time in my...
A while back I was on a call with two of my college besties and I revealed a guilty pleasure of mine. Both were somewhat shocked by my confession. However, one friend jumped in immediately and said, “You should never feel guilty about something you...
Life is full of surprises—some good and some bad. I recently had a very good one. Perhaps the best one ever. When I was in college 30 years ago, I studied both Journalism and Radio-Television. I favored writing and after a semester or so, set out to...
I was born in 1972. Many, many things have come and gone in the amount of time I have been on this planet. There are a handful of things I truly miss, but for the most part, I don’t sit around and think about the “good ole days.” Well, that was true...
I have been going through a bit of a tough time. My depression and anxiety are freaking intense and menopause on top of it all is creating quite the shit sandwich. How am I trying to cope? Laughter. In my opinion, laughing is always the best...
As Halloween approaches, scary movies seem to be at the top of everyone’s mind. There also isn’t a damn thing else playing at the movie theater. It’s frustrating. I’m not a horror movie gal. I just don’t see the appeal. Why would I want to be scared...
I just saw a brilliant post by a college friend on Facebook. It read, “If you are a person who answers the late-night work emails or texts, or who is reachable on weekends and vacations, just know that YOU are the ones fucking this up for EVERYBODY...
Thirty years is a long time. It is also how long I will have been married to my husband as of October 16. I’m optimistic we will make it to 30, but one never knows. I struggle to believe I have spent more than half of my life with this one person...
My bestie and I are firm believers that you have to find joy and happiness in the little things in life. We talk about it on the regular. Life, at least ours, just doesn’t give you a ton of big shit to get excited about. Enjoy what you can. Enter...
I love to cook. It is one of my favorite things. Perhaps only second to eating. In the evening, pouring myself a generous glass of red wine and making dinner is my favorite part of the day. If I were to pick a favorite type of cuisine, it would...