I’m an incredibly anxious person. I have been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I’m medicated for it. However, teaching my 17-year-old daughter to drive is putting my meds to the test. She is not a bad driver. She is an inexperienced...
I miss a lot of things about my daughter being little—holding her tiny little hand, her saying words funny, that sweet high pitch giggle and picking out her clothes—just to name a few. However, the thing I miss the most is kids’ books. Oh, how I...
My daughter told me a while back some of her friends at school had discovered my blog. Surprisingly enough, they are still her friends. Should any of these friends happen to read this post, they will more than likely have no idea what the fuck I’m...
There are several firsts a person remembers in their life. Recently I got to experience one of those with my daughter. I feel like it was an epic first, but if I’m being honest with myself, it was way better for me than her. It was her first concert...
I recently sent my husband a text that said, “Random thought: I really wish I liked camping.” He replied in agreement. I see pics of people in the woods and it looks so peaceful and lovely. I think, that must be so nice. Then I remember the one time...
I’m a knitter. Not a good one, but nevertheless I persist. Knitting is yoga for the mind and I have a head filled with hummingbirds. Some say they try to knit away the crazy. That is a pretty good description. My two favorite parts of knitting are...
We lost a legend last week. Tina Turner was not just the Queen of Rock & Roll in my book. She was the queen of all things. I found her inspiring on every level. I have loved her music since I was a kid. When I was older and learned her story, I...
Life is full of decisions. Some are basic and have no real repercussions, others might be dwelled upon for days, months, years or even a lifetime. I was recently faced with such a decision. As I mentioned in this blog last week, my dear friend and I...
I’ve had a hard week. Lots of work demands and, of course, an insane number of projects with short deadlines. All this because I’m going to be out of the office for two days. Nevertheless, my bestie and I are hitting the road in less than five hours...
I have been married for nearly 30 years. Obviously, my husband and I have had many disagreements during this time. One that has lasted our entire marriage, which U2 album is the best. Before we get into the great album debate, let me start by...