Decluttering our Social Media – Oh Me Oh My!

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Hosted by
Avery Rich

Avery hails from Winnipeg, Manitoba, with a background in both law and yoga! As a long time Yoga Instructor, she hosts the Journey Into Yoga podcast, a show which explores and demystifies a different yoga posture each week. A true believer in creating space in our bodies through yoga, her Declutter U newsletter is designed to provide tips and tools on how to create more space in our lives by decluttering.

Most of us are not strangers to social media; instagram, tik tok, facebook, X (formerly twitter), you name it there are many social media sites that steal our attention on a regular basis. If you have accounts with these sites, it is important to declutter and cull through them ensuring that you are still seeing and receiving posts that actually make you happy! It is important to use social media in a way that creates happiness and joy in our lives as opposed to anger and sadness. These days, with the world as it is, we may find our social media cluttered with information and images that we would much prefer not to see – whether they be personal or not, but fear not! Believe it or not, you can control what you see and how often and who you allow to clutter your feed – we are not victims of social media!

TIP #1 – DO NOT FOLLOW ANYBODY WHO IRRITATES YOU – Yes, I said it – whether it be a friend, family member, social influencer or random Joe, you do not need to follow anybody that brings irritation to your life, whatever that reason may be – religion, politics, or just plain yuck!

TIP #2 – FOLLOW ACCOUNTS THAT BRING YOU JOY! – These days I seem to really enjoy anything that has to do with recipes, food and cooking. I have consciously sought out accounts that deal with these topics and I find myself more joyful! Figure out what brings you joy and follow it; the more you follow what you love and unfollow what you don’t love, the more these sites will discover your algorithm and bring you more happiness – trust me!

TIP #3 – DON’T BE AFRAID TO ABANDON A SOCIAL MEDIA SHIP – You do not need to have accounts on any and every social media site – in fact, you may actually benefit from having less of these accounts than more. If a certain site no longer serves or interests you, ditch it! Stream line what social media you are fed and you will have a better diet.

If you like the “making a list” approach, make one with all of your social media accounts, and then one by one go through them and declutter! Check in on who you follow, and if that ‘follow’ does not make sense, then begin to limit engagement with such accounts that no longer serve you. Conversely, find accounts and people that bring you happiness and engage with these ones so that you can find and follow joy!!

Aside from helping with all of our decluttering needs, Avery hosts the Journey Into Yoga Podcast where she guides you through a different yoga pose each week explaining all that it has to offer the body and mind. Episodes and more can be found at Check out this week’s show which features a supported and restful bolster supported posture!

Avery hails from Winnipeg, Manitoba, with a background in both law and yoga! As a long time Yoga Instructor, she hosts the Journey Into Yoga podcast, a show which explores and demystifies a different yoga posture each week. A true believer in creating space in our bodies through yoga, her Declutter U newsletter is designed to provide tips and tools on how to create more space in our lives by decluttering.

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