Do the Double Check for Mercury Retrograde in Taurus

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Hosted by
Charly King

Charlotte “Charly” King is a professional astrologer and author with three years as an associate member of The American Federation of Astrologers.

Born and raised in the UK, she is a proud American citizen, despite pouting about changing her blue hair back to brown because she wanted to be respectable at the interview.

Charly is a science nerd, obsessed with hacking health, prosperity & wellness using a retrospective look at astrological cycles in parallel with those of today. She finished her first book on emotional management in May 2019, (available December 22), while running a horoscope subscription service with daily astrological updates for all signs. Working more with tech developers on dating, wellness, and self-development apps, she has also been using metaphysics to provide algorithms for newcomers in the fin-tech arena and working alongside RNs to investigate health indicators in natal charts. Her favorite areas of astrology have fast become the stock market, health & medicine, and the world's general evolutionary progress.

Charly is the founder of The Horoscope Vault, a new online platform aimed at bringing the benefits of astrology to the public through educational courses and impartial, daily horoscopes.

Most of her time is spent looking at the stars and figuring out the changes that are coming, but in those rare moments when her feet are planted firmly on the ground, she likes to cook, clean, and enjoy the simple aspects of life with her husband and their differently-abled husky, Bean.


We are entering some interesting times with a Mercury retrograde in Taurus coming to spin things around. The first official retrograde of the year makes this a great time for reevaluating and not such a great time for initiating, signing contracts, or anything digital. The Universe itself may let you know through technological glitches and problems with devices that it’s time to slow down, look around, and smell the roses.

Knowing this stuff ahead of time enables you to ride the wave without losing your mind, and who knows what points of wisdom you’ll be equipped with by the end.

But this gets more Specific for each of the signs.


You may find yourself extra persuasive this week, more so than usual.

✅ This is a great time to further an agenda and speak up on something because people will support you very much.

❌ It could be a volatile time for your bank accounts and not a such good week for spending, so cancel any monthly subscription memberships that you don’t use anymore!


A change of scenery is either already in the works or an escape is calling your name because you need some downtime.

✅ This is a good week to take a break from life, especially if you are healing from something.

❌ It is NOT a good week for dredging up ideas from the past and lingering on whether or not you should give them another try.


Your ruling planet Mercury in retrograde may impact your communication the most out of all the signs so be ready to accept that no matter how sharp and focused you feel or how well you explain what you mean, a lot of misunderstandings could happen this week.

✅ This is a good week for listening more than speaking.

❌ It is NOT a good week for speaking quickly on matters, you may lose your cool and say something you regret.


A clean-up of your digital spaces could be the theme this week so either a full email inbox that needs clearing out, especially if you’re waiting for an important email to arrive, or something like removing and blocking social media connections that don’t feel healthy or positive.

✅ This is a great week to do a digital cleanse.

❌ It is not a good week make any computer or electronic purchases.


Career or work drama may feel like it is balancing out but in general, your ambition is still going to seem quite high.

✅ This is a good week to go above and beyond in a work project or goal, which is great for keeping your mind focused on positive things and away from stressful thoughts.

❌ It is not a good week for dwelling on old love.


You might not feel like putting up much of a fight this week, it’s one of those times where it’s just better and easier to just let people be wrong.

✅ It is an ideal time to stock up on your most favorite necessities as the retrograde could make it a little more difficult to access your usual grocery, food and even wine choices, which could be very annoying to go without.

❌ It is not a good week for correcting others!


A recent change with a friendship may be on your mind and if you have something to say, you could really struggle in holding back from saying it.

✅ It is a good week to listen to interesting and fun stories or podcasts are a great way to entertain your mind.

❌ This is not a good week for speaking your mind, or for gossiping, leave the important conversations for another time.


The theme for Scorpio is insubordination so you could find yourself annoyed by the people you’re close with, like they’re going rogue, at least in your eyes, maybe they’re doing things that you wouldn’t do and behaving ways that you wouldn’t behave, which feels like people pushing back against your guidance, alternatively, it might be you yourself who is more rebellious and defiant.

✅ It is a good week for laying down the law with those who need to hear your home truths.

❌ It is not a good week for being the wallflower


You may realize just how much certain other people overlook or undervalue you and may become more careful of anyone trying to bring you down from the positive place that you have worked so hard to reach.

✅ It’s a great week to keep your head in the clouds and focus on all of the pleasant experiences and changes you’ve felt recently.

❌ This is not a good week to sit back and put up with negative talk.


If something doesn’t go to plan or just falls through completely this week, remember it is not the final nail in the coffin. You may have to deal with a situation not going the way you’d hoped it would but thats because something bigger and better is coming in its place.

✅ This is a good week to sit back and do less, which is difficult for Capricorn.

❌ It is NOT a good week to dwell or linger on disappointments


You may want to get on top of home organization or any unfinished projects because this week things like outlet issues, appliance problems and even a few popped fuses may put you very close to short circuiting yourself.

✅ A lot going on in the home makes this a good week to get outside more than usual.

❌However It is NOT a good week to visit family. Save it for another time.


Be careful to get enough rest. You could be doing just enough extra duties in your everyday routine this week to be more tired than usual, yet still wondering to yourself why you feel exhausted? If you increase your workload or output levels without increasing your rest levels you could find yourself burning out super quick.

✅ This is a good week to focus on more sleep. ❌ It is not a good week for partying or staying up late.

If you’d like to keep up to date on all the solar system shifts, check out the weekly full length readings here.


Charlotte “Charly” King is a professional astrologer and author with three years as an associate member of The American Federation of Astrologers. Born and raised in the UK, she is a proud American citizen, despite pouting about changing her blue hair back to brown because she wanted to be respectable at the interview. Charly is a science nerd, obsessed with hacking health, prosperity & wellness using a retrospective look at astrological cycles in parallel with those of today. She finished her first book on emotional management in May 2019, (available December 22), while running a horoscope subscription service with daily astrological updates for all signs. Working more with tech developers on dating, wellness, and self-development apps, she has also been using metaphysics to provide algorithms for newcomers in the fin-tech arena and working alongside RNs to investigate health indicators in natal charts. Her favorite areas of astrology have fast become the stock market, health & medicine, and the world's general evolutionary progress. Charly is the founder of The Horoscope Vault, a new online platform aimed at bringing the benefits of astrology to the public through educational courses and impartial, daily horoscopes. Most of her time is spent looking at the stars and figuring out the changes that are coming, but in those rare moments when her feet are planted firmly on the ground, she likes to cook, clean, and enjoy the simple aspects of life with her husband and their differently-abled husky, Bean.

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