I am Theresa Martinez-Shapiro;
Wife to Robert. Founder of Flexible Being. A Master Reiki Therapist, Certified Oracle Guide, Spiritual Mentor/Guide, Intuitive Empath, Coach, and Educator. I am a fur mom to 3 cats and 1 dog – Sonny, Patches, Ryelee, and Winnie. We currently live and practice in Stockton, California. We operate three businesses – Shapiro Holistic Health and Chiropractic, Fusion Health APC, and Synergy Health MSO, where we seek to improve and change the lives of our patients and those we have the privilege of crossing paths with.

My healing and mentoring journey began around 5 years old when I discovered that I was put on this planet to help others. I knew I was different, unique, and gifted. I did not see the world the same way everyone else did, and recognized I was meant to do so much more. I began to research, spending a lot of time reading & asking a lot of questions to anyone that wanted to share stories about their life experiences. I am a dreamer and had a unique relationship with the dream world. My very real, vivid & lucid dreams began turning into out-of-body experiences and unexplained occurrences. I began doing my own dream interpretations to look for patterns & a new way of deciphering life. Family members were part of many different religions, so I was educated in Catholicism, Buddhism, Metaphysics, and Native American culture & beliefs. Along the way, I took up multiple mentors that cultivated my growth and expansion of my gifts, allowing me to focus on my potential and purpose.

As an adult, coworkers were unloading their life stories, internal secrets, and things that had not been shared or even spoken out loud. I began to share those experiences with my aunt & Reiki Master/Teacher, Carmen. In 2012, Carmen told me, “I think you are ready to walk the path I always knew you were meant to walk”. That saying began my obsessive journey into Reiki, Spirituality, Psychology, Intuition and Psychic gifts, Meditation and Mindfulness, Past Lives, Consciousness, Energy Medicine, Mysteries of the Universe, Moon and Sun cycles, Astrology, Numerology, Oracle Cards, Shamanism, & so much more.

My journey has helped me to assist patients, clients, families, and friends discover who they have been, who they are, and who they want to become. I am expanding my reach and educating others by authoring Musings of a Flexible Being, and I look forward to sharing my journey with you.

Thank you!

Theresa Martinez-Shapiro
Flexible Being
Website: www.flexiblebeing.com
Facebook: @flexiblebeingonline
Instagram: @flexiblebeing

We are in the month of love, and it is important for us to love ourselves first before we can give our love to another. My daily, early morning, practice is first expressing gratitude, then giving myself a hug for the gift of awakening to a new day. I set the intention of what I hope to accomplish as the day progresses.

I am grateful for the opportunity to share my musings with you. In being accepted to write these musings, I shared the news with my soul sister, whom I would like to express gratitude to. She started out as a referred client, became a student, and is now fully embracing herself and the titles she has been given as an Intuitive, Guide, Light Worker, and Weaver, named D. (Protecting her identity).

D. wrote a post and after reading it, I immediately asked her permission to share it because I am so happy and proud of her for embracing herself fully.

“Have you ever experienced….
The hairs on your neck raise up & you just know you’re being watched, without seeing anyone?
a heavy or “off” feeling when you meet someone new?
overwhelming emotions when you’re near people or in crowds?
a zap or energetic buzz when you connect with another person?

If so, then you recognized (& hopefully listened to) your intuition.
Your gut reaction is your intuition.

It’s your compass to your soul, the frequencies and energies of the universe, & the source of your gifts.

Everyone has an intuition, and it’s a matter of recognizing, listening, & cultivating it.
Just like any other skill, it takes practice to find tune. It evolves like we do.

Why do I consider myself an intuitive?

Because I have listened to my inner voice, unlocked my gifts, done the work, healed, and expanded. I’ve gone on journeys and listened to my soul as it guides me on my path. I’ve helped others along the way with my gifts through intuitive sessions, energy work, oracle card readings, & channeling.

Some call me Witchy, Guide, Light Worker, Weaver.

And I’ve kinda hidden it.

I don’t always openly share it. I have my soul sisters. In general, I test the waters, and maybe I’ll share that aspect of myself with you. But most of the time, I don’t.

Now it’s time to fully embrace it & share more of that aspect of myself.

There are people out there – maybe you – that need to know.

Maybe I’m the key you’ve been searching for to help you with the next part of your journey.

Maybe I’m simply here to inspire you.

Maybe we are meant to connect & learn from each other.

Maybe you need to know it’s time to stop hiding aspects of yourself too.

We are being asked to rise up. Up our vibration. There is a ton of cosmic energetics + support at play.

So here I am.

I’m D. & I’m an Intuitive, Energetic Weaver, Witch, Priestess of Light, Guide.

This page is dedicated to ALL ASPECTS of myself.

And ALL of the things I offer.

How can I help you?”

Wow. If I was hearing this in a live setting, I would have given her a standing ovation. When she first came to me for a session, I continued to hear her say, “I cannot have these types of conversations with anyone in my circle – family, coworkers, and some friends. I am happy that our mutual friend said, “I need to refer my friend, D, to you. She is gifted but does not yet know it or cannot express it. Seeing how far she has come since our sessions and hearing the stories about how she utilizes and expresses her gifts and talents is so magical.

If you are experiencing more intuitive nudges, encountering weird situations or emotions you can’t explain mentally (but simply just know), repeating the same cycles, and/or looking for a coach to help you heal and grow, I would LOVE to help you! Loving and knowing yourself are important.

I hope this sharing has resonated with you and I look forward to where this journey will take me. Each week I hope to connect with you more. Enjoy the remaining month of love and remember to love and embrace yourself each day. ​

Hello! I am Theresa Martinez-Shapiro; Wife to Robert. Founder of Flexible Being. A Master Reiki Therapist, Certified Oracle Guide, Spiritual Mentor/Guide, Intuitive Empath, Coach, and Educator. I am a fur mom to 3 cats and 1 dog – Sonny, Patches, Ryelee, and Winnie. We currently live and practice in Stockton, California. We operate three businesses – Shapiro Holistic Health and Chiropractic, Fusion Health APC, and Synergy Health MSO, where we seek to improve and change the lives of our patients and those we have the privilege of crossing paths with. My healing and mentoring journey began around 5 years old when I discovered that I was put on this planet to help others. I knew I was different, unique, and gifted. I did not see the world the same way everyone else did, and recognized I was meant to do so much more. I began to research, spending a lot of time reading & asking a lot of questions to anyone that wanted to share stories about their life experiences. I am a dreamer and had a unique relationship with the dream world. My very real, vivid & lucid dreams began turning into out-of-body experiences and unexplained occurrences. I began doing my own dream interpretations to look for patterns & a new way of deciphering life. Family members were part of many different religions, so I was educated in Catholicism, Buddhism, Metaphysics, and Native American culture & beliefs. Along the way, I took up multiple mentors that cultivated my growth and expansion of my gifts, allowing me to focus on my potential and purpose. As an adult, coworkers were unloading their life stories, internal secrets, and things that had not been shared or even spoken out loud. I began to share those experiences with my aunt & Reiki Master/Teacher, Carmen. In 2012, Carmen told me, “I think you are ready to walk the path I always knew you were meant to walk”. That saying began my obsessive journey into Reiki, Spirituality, Psychology, Intuition and Psychic gifts, Meditation and Mindfulness, Past Lives, Consciousness, Energy Medicine, Mysteries of the Universe, Moon and Sun cycles, Astrology, Numerology, Oracle Cards, Shamanism, & so much more. My journey has helped me to assist patients, clients, families, and friends discover who they have been, who they are, and who they want to become. I am expanding my reach and educating others by authoring Musings of a Flexible Being, and I look forward to sharing my journey with you. Thank you! Theresa Martinez-Shapiro Flexible Being Website: www.flexiblebeing.com Socials: Facebook: @flexiblebeingonline Instagram:@theresamartinezshapiro Instagram: @flexiblebeing

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