Hide & Scratch Caturday Contest

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Hosted by
Heather Furr

Heather is the pink haired digital director of the Bob & Sheri Team, She helps out with our Video, Livestreams, Social Media, Tech issues, Podcasting and so much more!

Heather is cat & lizard mom from North Carolina who whenever she's not fighting with the Facebook algorithm or bullying wordpress is probably gardening, reading or playing videogames!

Submit a photo of your Kitty Best friend and one winner will be chosen each week to recieve a caturday prize pack with a keepsake photoframe and a cat scratcher box from Hide & Scratch.


pspspspsps use promo code bobandsheri for free shipping when you place your order.

Heather is the pink haired digital director of the Bob & Sheri Team, She helps out with our Video, Livestreams, Social Media, Tech issues, Podcasting and so much more! Heather is cat & lizard mom from North Carolina who whenever she's not fighting with the Facebook algorithm or bullying wordpress is probably gardening, reading or playing videogames!

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      • I’ve tried to. When I click on that, all it has is email or facebook, no upload. When I enter my email it says thank you for you submission but no upload a photo option.

  • This is my son’s cat, Mr. Peaks. Liam is a cat Dad. I am entering this contest because I think Liam and Heather would get along great. They love cats. They work in tech, etc. He is video production specialist at Ft Monroe. You can see his videos on Ft. Monroe at Old Point Comfort on FB. I am most proud of Liam (Thurkettle) because he is a kind human being. His cat, Mr. Peaks is awfully cute too. 🐱
    I can’t figure out how to add a pic of his cat. 🤦‍♀️Ugh! It’s his cover pic on his FB page Liam Lie Ham Thurkettle

  • We adopted Robin from a shelter when he was a kitten. He loves to play catch & he is very talkative.

  • I have tried to enter this contest, Hide & Scratch, on the Bob & Sheri contest page, but I don’t believe that it is working. ??

  • Robin is a 3 year old male. We adopted him from a shelter when he was a kitten. He is very vocal.

  • I submitted a picture of one of my kitty best friends a few weeks ago now. I don’t see his picture displayed on the website. Are the pictures shown of kitties who have won?

  • I have an ancient 16 year old kitty who is deaf and has thyroid issues. She screams when she wants something because she can’t hear, but she only wants to eat rotisserie chicken that I hand pick it for her. Which entity has been trained. But she’s probably going to outlive me because she just takes no sh#t off anyone.

  • Here’s our manx, Shelby. She’s the sweetest girl ever. When y’all were doing rap names for Bob, we joked that her name should be 2Tense. You can see how it fits. She often goes to an area in the river rocks we have, and enjoys the heat they collect through the day: a spa treatment!

  • I really want to share another cat submission of my grand-girl-cat but can only enter once. I mentioned her in my entry “Reilly McIntyre” for my oldest sons cat. And I have an amazing story about my youngest sons cat and a super cool picture. How can I also enter her? So that’s 2 grand cats I want to brag on! 🙂 Thanks Heather!

  • How long does it take for a photo to post? I submitted a photo on June 26, 2024 and it still is not showing.

  • I’ve been trying to enter the cat contest however I don’t see a way to upload a picture. What am I doing wrong?

  • Hi! I have been hearing about this contest and have tried to enter my boy Romeo. But it seems I cannot enter him because we have a postal code (Canada), instead of a zip code which makes us sad cause Romeo loves to scratch boxes! I will still be listening though. Just sad we can’t enter.

  • Was going to submit a cat photo but after entering my email I couldn’t continue. Guessing having Facebook account is mandatory. Sad, I ditched Facebook many years ago.

  • My Dolly would love to have a scratch and hide box. She does not have one here in Maine. She has one at home in Massachusetts.

  • You mentioned the show ‘Friends’ on the 12/16 show. When the show first started David Schwimmer had a little monkey, and I watched it because I liked the monkey. Once the monkey disappeared I stopped watching. I thought the monkey was they only entertaining thing about the show. When ever I mention the monkey, no one remembers the monkey, do you?

  • hi
    on the caturday contest there is no way to upload an image of my cat.
    just shows email and submit your entry.
    let me know if you can help me out with this thanks

    • Once you add your email, it will move on to the second page of the submission allowing you to upload that photo!

  • My uploads have worked in the past but not today. My cars are adoreble, they should have won by now 🙂🤞🤣

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Episode 1