I’ve lost track of how many damn streaming services I now subscribe to. The worst part is, I watch very little TV. However, in the event I...
Stay in the loop
Recently I was on the phone with one of my besties. The topic of conversation turned to music and we started listing our favorite albums...
For weeks I’ve caught her wiggling that tooth out of the corner of my eye. My daughter Paige, now 12 years old, is nearing the end of her...
Yesterday, the U.S. and about a third of the world’s other countries set their clocks forward by one hour, which will make the sun seem to...
I recently did something very unlike me. I chose to take time off in the winter and just get away from it all. I normally reserve time off...
Yesterday my husband couldn’t find something in the refrigerator. Shocker: It was right up front, almost touching his corneas. I don’t...
Once in a while we try to go out to eat and do a family dinner on Sunday nights. With two teenagers that are very busy with their social...
I talk a lot about books. They are one of my favorite things. I will deprive myself and/or my family of a lot of things, but never books. I...
She had been having a hard time for days; Frustrated face, tears constantly threatening to brim her eyes. After several times of her...
In the world of social media, especially on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, it’s not uncommon to come across numerous mom...