Feeling like you hold the responsibility and the weight of the world on your shoulders? You are not alone. I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with a patient who came into our clinic for Chiropractic care. After her treatment, my husband, Dr. Robert Shapiro, came to me and asked if I would be willing to do a consultation with her because she really needs to talk to me. I went out to meet her. I was checking out at reception with our assistants. I smiled at her and asked, “Are you M?” She nodded, then asked, “Are you Theresa?” We took a walk back to my room.
After M. sat down in a chair, comforted by her personal seat cushions that she brought in with her, I began to let her know that Dr. Shapiro requested we have a consultation because he felt my services could really help her with some of her symptomatology. I could see she was uneasy, in pain, tired, and did not know where to begin to explain what she was feeling. I welcomed her to the “Energy Room” then asked if she had any specific questions. The room brings out a variety of reactions, so I let people sit in the space, scan it, soak it in, get a feel for the energy, the pictures, colors, and the items on the shelves. I give them a moment to relax, take a deep breath, then give a brief background into who I am and what I do. In most cases, words begin to flow from both parties and time flies by.
M. has been struggling for quite some time with pain, anxiety, and overwhelm and asked how to not feel so much. “I am feeling so much, and I need not to.” M. is currently working as a Marriage and Family Therapist. With every session, she feels heaviness that she has not been able to shake. I asked if she was familiar with Reiki Therapy. In a previous career, M. was a massage therapist and incorporated Reiki. I asked if she was doing Self Reiki, she had not been, it was not said why she stopped. M. came to our clinic seeking assistance with her pain resulting from multiple traumas in both child and adulthood. After a couple visits, Dr. Shapiro had determined that some of her discomfort was both physical and emotional from things he had observed, stories she shared, and clinical diagnosis from past providers. In our conversation I learned she has a need to solve problems, she feels a responsibility to change the way things go and assist where she can. At varying times in her life, M. has been an advocate for a variety of causes and recalls the number of times she has stood on building steps with others in protest. In following the media, people’s conversations, and witnessing certain behaviors, M. feels immense sadness, anger towards others, and wants to stop the possible suffering of others by the decisions being made by our current presidential administration. Her advocacy experiences have brought up memories from her past, stuff from childhood, which has contributed to her history of depression and anxiety. M. has been seeking solutions. I sympathized with her. I explained she is not alone. We are all, at varying times, feeling a sense of uncertainty, lack of direction, confusion, anger towards people or situations, getting triggered by injustices, recalling memories of unfairness in our own life or those around us. We also feel a sense of disconnect, detachment, loneliness, and wanting to fulfill our need to assist and serve. As I spoke, M. nodded in agreement. I spent about thirty minutes with M. hearing her stories and observing shifts and changes in her body language. Can you relate? Have you had the same feelings?
A friend posted the below words on Facebook. I am sharing with granted permission.
“While we face continued uncertainty, we must find some daily distraction, a feel-good moment, a movie, music, a book, nature, a conversation. If you need to yell your lungs out, do so! If you need to shed some tears, do so!
If you are an artist, create art.
If you are a musician, create music.
If you are an actor, act.
Just know you are not alone, there are more of us than them.
Become stronger mentally and physically, it is a long fight. Take care of yourself, build a community, and stay in contact.
Have a blessed day from the universe and your chosen religion.
Remember we are all created the same way regardless of process. We are all born alone and we all die alone, it is what you do in between what counts as a good person, as a decent human being.”
I let my friend know his message is powerful. I hope you took something from it.
If you or someone you know are experiencing life like M, we are here to help. We can choose how much responsibility we take on and do not have to carry the weight of the world alone. There is a lot more to M’s story. Next week I will be continuing this story with the solutions that I provided to ease M’s daily challenges.
Thank you!
Theresa Martinez-Shapiro
Flexible Being
Website: www.flexiblebeing.com
Facebook: @flexiblebeingonline
Instagram: @theresamartinezshapiro
Instagram: @flexiblebeing