Seasons Change

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As I scroll through my social media feed, I find myself envious of people’s passion and love for all things fall. As hard as I try, I just can’t muster any excitement for the season.

It really makes no sense. Fall has so much to offer: perfect temps, long sleeve t-shirts, lovely colors on the trees, Halloween, football. However, my mind just keeps saying, “Winter is coming. It’s going to get dark early. It is going to be dreary and gray for months. There will be days you won’t be able to get out of bed. Your feet will not be warm again till April.” Ugh. The dread is almost unbearable.

I’m in the car as I write this. Don’t worry. I’m not driving. It is 65 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. The leaves are popping in various hues and I know I should be grateful for this beautiful state where I live. Yet, as I look at the vibrant colors my mind is saying, “Green is better. Green rules. Especially the wonderfully bright green that comes as the trees begin to bud in spring. That is my favorite. I really dislike the barren brown of the trees in winter.”

I should also be happy I’m not sweating my ass off. It was a really steamy summer and I’ve started having hot flashes. It’s not pleasant. I should welcome the cooler temps. I know. I can go for a walk anytime of the day and not be a sweaty mess when I’m done. Alas, I would just as soon be sweating. It really doesn’t bother me. Body odor be damned. I love the sun beating down on me. The sun is everything.

I am also not a pumpkin spiced anything person. You can keep all that crap. I don’t even like pumpkin pie. I’m already missing summer produce. I’m dreaming of garden tomatoes and all the melons! Not to mention green beans and corn on the cob. Will it really be nine months before I experience those taste sensations again? It doesn’t seem fair.

My husband is fall’s biggest fan. He gushes about its wonder daily. He can’t get enough of it and winter really doesn’t affect him much. He is like an alien to me on this front. I do acknowledge his mindset is much healthier than mine, yet here we are.

The good news is, these cooler temperatures are perfect bourbon weather, so I got that going for me. My bourbon supply is vast. If pressured, I could also name a handful of other things I appreciate about the next few months. The list would include: flannel sheets, a roaring fire in my fireplace, the holidays, flannel shirts, soup and sports.

So, I will trudge on and just accept the next two seasons are just not my jam, try as I might. Then, there will be a few glorious days in March letting me know things are about to change for the warmer. I will plant myself in the sun like a turtle on a log (with sunscreen, of course). I will soak in all the glorious warmth and I will be totally content.

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