If you’re stuck inside and you’re looking for some book suggestions Sheri recommends:
A Brief History of the Dead by Kevin Brockmeir
The Outlander Series by Dian Gabaldon
Dune by Frank Herbert
Look Homeward, Angel by Thomas Wolfe
The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien
The Borrowers by Mary Norton
Picnic, Lightning by Billy Collins
The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell
The Three Body Problem by Cixin Liu
Cats Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
We were feeling very complacent here in our rural Florida community. Then the first diagnosis was made confirming a resident who had traveled to Switzerland had contracted Covid-19. Now there are three confirmed cases. No problem, right? Well that depends on everyone doing their part to stay safe. There are always those who feel they are invincible and that’s now the biggest concern. All of our stores and health facilities are leading the way which sets an example for all of us. Yes, “we’re all in this together” and let’s do our part to see this through as safely as possible.
Hey Sheri! Love your reading recommendations but I have a recommendation for you if you haven’t read them already. Any/all Kaye Gibbons books. Short reads but so capturing! Listening to you guys every day help this old social worker to get going. Tell Bob if he had a Flowbee he wouldn’t need to worry about not being able to get a haircut, Mary could do it…😂
Sherri- I know at one time you said that you like reading books based in distopian life. I would like to recommend a trilogy written by William R. Forstchen the books, one second after, one year after and the final day take you through what will happen if we should ever be exposed to an EMP (electro magnetic pulse). The books are thought provoking and provide a stark look at what life would be like after the EMP. You will not regret reading these!
Shari and/or Bob – I truly recommend reading “Tailspin” by John Armbruster. I’ve listened to you and Bob for many years, and really believe this would be a book for you or anyone who is a WWII (or not) history lover, especially stories of survival and how it was done. Please consider reading this incredible book written by high school teach from Wisconsin. One of the best books I’ve ever read.
I think this might be a stretch, but hoping you get this message. Bridget T
Sheri you should add to your list – a read it soon – Caleb Carr’s final work “My Beloved Monster; Masha, the Half-Wild Rescue Cat Who Rescued Me”