Charlotte, NC – January 13, 2025 – This morning, during the popular Bob & Sheri syndicated morning show, Bob Lacey announced his retirement on the air. Lacey has been on the air for four decades, including 32 years with partner Sheri Lynch. Bob...
The movie theater near me is very cool. First of all, it is just two miles from my house and next to my supermarket so I can just drive by and look at what is playing. I know, “You could just pull it up on your phone, BOB!” I know that. I like to...
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Bob and Mary are in the kitchen cooking Scones! Making scones is even easier with the special recipes from The Scone Goddess. Grab a bag of mix from the Bob and Sheri Shop today.
Bob tells the story of his first day back in Radio when he returned to Charlotte many years ago and how he knew Sheri was ‘the one’ to be his co-host on the show.