The Capricorn Full Moon: Is This the End?

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Hosted by
Charly King

Charlotte “Charly” King is a professional astrologer and author with three years as an associate member of The American Federation of Astrologers.

Born and raised in the UK, she is a proud American citizen, despite pouting about changing her blue hair back to brown because she wanted to be respectable at the interview.

Charly is a science nerd, obsessed with hacking health, prosperity & wellness using a retrospective look at astrological cycles in parallel with those of today. She finished her first book on emotional management in May 2019, (available December 22), while running a horoscope subscription service with daily astrological updates for all signs. Working more with tech developers on dating, wellness, and self-development apps, she has also been using metaphysics to provide algorithms for newcomers in the fin-tech arena and working alongside RNs to investigate health indicators in natal charts. Her favorite areas of astrology have fast become the stock market, health & medicine, and the world's general evolutionary progress.

Charly is the founder of The Horoscope Vault, a new online platform aimed at bringing the benefits of astrology to the public through educational courses and impartial, daily horoscopes.

Most of her time is spent looking at the stars and figuring out the changes that are coming, but in those rare moments when her feet are planted firmly on the ground, she likes to cook, clean, and enjoy the simple aspects of life with her husband and their differently-abled husky, Bean.

The July Capricorn Full Moon, a rare event with two consecutive full moons in the same sign, brings a strong afterglow message of resourcefulness and determination. As the moon’s energy peaks, it’s the perfect time to focus on long-term goals and practical ambitions. The Capricorn Full Moon encourages us to use our inner strength and discipline, making it an ideal moment for reflection and planning.


What are the 3 main messages with this Capricorn Full Moon?

  • Embrace resourcefulness: Tap into your problem-solving skills and find creative solutions.
  • Focus on long-term goals: Set practical, achievable objectives and develop a clear plan to reach them.
  • Harness inner strength: Reflect on your personal resilience and discipline to overcome challenges.


How can each zodiac sign utilize this energy?

Each zodiac sign can harness the energy of the Capricorn Full Moon in unique ways, tapping into their inherent traits and strengths:

  • Aries: Channel your determination into long-term career goals. Use this time to create a solid plan for your future ambitions.
  • Taurus: Focus on financial stability. Reassess your savings and investments, and consider practical steps to secure your financial future.
  • Gemini: Strengthen your communication skills. Use this energy to have important conversations and clarify your long-term personal and professional goals.
  • Cancer: Focus on self-care and emotional well-being. Set boundaries that protect your time and energy, ensuring you have a strong foundation to build upon.
  • Leo: Harness your creativity to advance your career. Implement practical strategies to showcase your talents and achieve recognition in your field.
  • Virgo: Utilize your organizational skills to streamline your daily routines. Set up systems that increase efficiency and support your long-term objectives.
  • Libra: Balance your relationships and professional life. Focus on partnerships that support your growth and help you achieve your goals.
  • Scorpio: Channel your intensity into transformative projects. Use this time to make significant changes that align with your long-term vision.
  • Sagittarius: Focus on expanding your knowledge and skills. Set educational or travel goals that will enrich your life and support your ambitions.
  • Capricorn: Reinforce your discipline and leadership qualities. Take charge of your plans and ensure you’re on track to meet your long-term goals.
  • Aquarius: Leverage your innovative thinking for practical applications. Implement new ideas that can lead to tangible improvements in your life.
  • Pisces: Tap into your intuition to guide your decisions. Focus on spiritual and emotional growth that supports your long-term happiness and fulfillment.


Discover the 3 main things your sign can benefit from this lunar energy, by checking out this exclusive Horoscope Vault episode here!

Weekly Horoscopes For All Zodiac Signs

Aries Horoscope (Born March 21-April 19).

Your mind is buzzing with ideas this week, making it hard to focus due to gossip and rumors. Stay uninvolved, or your name might get dragged through the mud along with the drama creators.

Taurus Horoscope (Born April 20-May 20).

Be careful with accounting errors; they could weigh heavily on your experience. You might feel uncertain about your financial stability during this period. Ensure you are well-prepared before entering risky situations.

Gemini Horoscope (Born May 21-June 20).

You may have trouble maintaining a consistent path, as many possibilities are presenting themselves. This can be both exciting and confusing. Nervousness or anxiety might occur if your pace becomes too hectic. Find time to relax.

Cancer Horoscope (Born June 21-July 22).

Do not act on information immediately, even when you want to set things right. Some people may aim to mislead or bring you down. Stay in your lane; if you give someone enough room, they will eventually trip themselves up.

Leo Horoscope (Born July 23-August 22).

You may be inundated with advice but find it hard to choose which suggestions to follow. Most of that advice could be unreliable as no one understands your dilemma fully. Become more self-reliant, trust your instincts, and take others’ counsel with a grain of salt.

Virgo Horoscope (Born August 23 – September 22).

Your communication skills are in top form, and they need to be. You might be privy to scandalous information. Ongoing developments in your career make change difficult, and an employer may be asking too many questions, more than you feel comfortable answering.

Libra Horoscope (Born September 23 – October 22).

You may find yourself reflecting on past mistakes. With the right mindset, this is great for self-development, but with pessimism, it might bring up emotions. Either way, you’re shedding habits that no longer fit you, which is brave.

Scorpio Horoscope (Born October 23-November 21).

Inspect paperwork details very carefully. Even if you think you have, do so again. Missing out on something you’re owed, like an inheritance or repayment, can lead to stress you could do without.

Sagittarius Horoscope (Born November 22-December 21).

A change in your routine brings new responsibilities at work, adding more to your plate than usual. These changes could be fun or profitable, or both. Let yourself be excited about it.

Capricorn Horoscope (Born December 22 – January 19).

Your work life may be more chaotic, with a more hectic office environment. Clerical errors could add extra work. Watch your health regarding nervous disorders or anxiety due to this environmental madness.

Aquarius Horoscope (Born January 20 – February 18).

Be cautious about how you express yourself. Your words may not come out as intended, leading to embarrassing situations or misunderstandings. Your week may involve putting out flames you accidentally fanned.

Pisces Horoscope (Born February 19 – March 20).

Stability in your home and domestic life may be lacking. Distance between you and relatives could be growing. It’s best to let nature take its course.

If you’ve missed our recent horoscope readings, don’t wait—catch up and stay in the loop! Click here!


Charlotte “Charly” King is a professional astrologer and author with three years as an associate member of The American Federation of Astrologers. Born and raised in the UK, she is a proud American citizen, despite pouting about changing her blue hair back to brown because she wanted to be respectable at the interview. Charly is a science nerd, obsessed with hacking health, prosperity & wellness using a retrospective look at astrological cycles in parallel with those of today. She finished her first book on emotional management in May 2019, (available December 22), while running a horoscope subscription service with daily astrological updates for all signs. Working more with tech developers on dating, wellness, and self-development apps, she has also been using metaphysics to provide algorithms for newcomers in the fin-tech arena and working alongside RNs to investigate health indicators in natal charts. Her favorite areas of astrology have fast become the stock market, health & medicine, and the world's general evolutionary progress. Charly is the founder of The Horoscope Vault, a new online platform aimed at bringing the benefits of astrology to the public through educational courses and impartial, daily horoscopes. Most of her time is spent looking at the stars and figuring out the changes that are coming, but in those rare moments when her feet are planted firmly on the ground, she likes to cook, clean, and enjoy the simple aspects of life with her husband and their differently-abled husky, Bean.

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