Weekly Horoscopes: Buzzing With Karmic Payoff!

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Hosted by
Charly King

Charlotte “Charly” King is a professional astrologer and author with three years as an associate member of The American Federation of Astrologers.

Born and raised in the UK, she is a proud American citizen, despite pouting about changing her blue hair back to brown because she wanted to be respectable at the interview.

Charly is a science nerd, obsessed with hacking health, prosperity & wellness using a retrospective look at astrological cycles in parallel with those of today. She finished her first book on emotional management in May 2019, (available December 22), while running a horoscope subscription service with daily astrological updates for all signs. Working more with tech developers on dating, wellness, and self-development apps, she has also been using metaphysics to provide algorithms for newcomers in the fin-tech arena and working alongside RNs to investigate health indicators in natal charts. Her favorite areas of astrology have fast become the stock market, health & medicine, and the world's general evolutionary progress.

Charly is the founder of The Horoscope Vault, a new online platform aimed at bringing the benefits of astrology to the public through educational courses and impartial, daily horoscopes.

Most of her time is spent looking at the stars and figuring out the changes that are coming, but in those rare moments when her feet are planted firmly on the ground, she likes to cook, clean, and enjoy the simple aspects of life with her husband and their differently-abled husky, Bean.

This article uncovers this weeks planetary shifts, helping you use astrology to guide you through the week ahead.

As Mars joins forces with Jupiter in Gemini, the universe buzzes with a heightened sense of curiosity and excitement. This dynamic pairing fuels our desire to explore fresh ideas, engage in lively discussions, and take bold actions with renewed confidence. The fusion of Mars’ assertiveness and Jupiter’s expansive nature in Gemini’s adaptable sign inspires us to think creatively and move quickly on opportunities. It’s a time to embrace this surge of intellectual and ambitious energy, opening the door to significant progress in both personal growth and professional pursuits.

Mars: Action!

Mars, the planet of action and energy, is a powerful force in astrology that drives us to take initiative and pursue our goals with passion and determination. It represents our inner fire, fueling our ambitions and giving us the courage to assert ourselves in the face of challenges. Mars is the embodiment of raw power and aggression, urging us to fight for what we want and stand our ground in conflicts.

This planet also governs our competitive spirit, pushing us to excel and outdo others. It’s the force behind our motivations, the spark that ignites our desire to achieve and to conquer obstacles. Mars is closely tied to our sense of survival, encouraging us to be bold, independent, and self-reliant.

At its core, Mars is about raw, unfiltered energy—whether it manifests as physical vitality, sexual drive, or the anger that propels us to defend our boundaries. It’s the planet that urges us to take action, to make things happen, and to push forward with unwavering determination. In astrology, Mars is the warrior within, constantly driving us toward growth, achievement, and the realization of our deepest desires.

Key words:

  • Action
  • Energy
  • Initiative
  • Passion

Jupiter: Expansion

Jupiter in Gemini represents the fusion of expansive curiosity and intellectual exploration. When Jupiter, the planet of growth, wisdom, and abundance, resides in Gemini, the sign of communication and adaptability, it creates a vibrant energy focused on learning, exchanging ideas, and broadening perspectives.

Key Aspects of Jupiter in Gemini:

1. Curiosity and Learning: Jupiter in Gemini boosts your curiosity and eagerness to learn about many different subjects. Moreover, this transit inspires a love of learning and helps you link diverse pieces of information into a bigger picture.

2. Communication and Expression: As Jupiter moves through Gemini emphasis is on communication, whether it’s speaking, writing, or teaching. This highlights a time of expressing ideas convincingly and debates or discussions that help you learn and grow.

3. Versatility and Adaptability: Jupiter in Gemini bestows a flexible and adaptable nature. It is an omen of a shift in environment. Expect your horizons to look very different by summertime of 2025!

4. Networking and Connections: Jupiter in Gemini dials in on building your networks and how you connect with others.

This weeks horoscopes: August 12th 2024

Aries Horoscope (Born March 21-April 19).

You’re eager to expand your horizons, diving into new knowledge with enthusiasm. This week may open doors to educational opportunities and correcting or perfecting a skill. stay mindful of being inflexible thinking just one road to achieve a goal – remember that There’s more than one way to succeed.

Taurus Horoscope (Born April 20-May 20).

Financial growth is important this week, with potential opportunities for bold investments. something you begin now may grow and start to pay off handsomely next year. Just Be cautious about taking on too much debt, especially if you were born during the day.

Gemini Horoscope (Born May 21-June 20).

Your loved ones, your family, your partner, might all be more energetic and independent than usual, showing assertiveness in their actions. Be prepared for someone else to take the lead during this week, and enjoy going along for the ride.

Cancer Horoscope (Born June 21-July 22).

This is a great time for career advancement and taking bold steps to get ahead. You may initiate a large-scale project this week. Something exciting with the potential to be big.

So Stay focused on collaboration and meeting expectations and cash in on this boost of professional luck

Leo Horoscope (Born July 23-August 22).

Romantic energy is high, with passions running strong. This could be a time of new love or deepening existing relationships. the potential for children is highlighted too, making this a very fertile time. New, influential connections may develop to enrich your social circle.

Virgo Horoscope (Born August 23 – September 22).

Your career is in focus, buzzing with opportunities for progress and expansion. You could experience huge growth in your public presence or achieve a promotion with ease – so if there’s anything you’ve been wanting to apply for in your work world, this is the week to do it.

Libra Horoscope (Born September 23 – October 22).

Exciting travel opportunities are showing up This week. be prepared for a hectic schedule plus possible inconvenience caused by relatives. while you’re trying to plan a trip and get everything prepped ready to go others may just get in the way.

Scorpio Horoscope (Born October 23-November 21).

Steer clear of arguments, even if you know you’re in the right – let solutions happen organically because getting involved could result in setbacks. There is something ongoing that is long overdue to be finished in your life and you may be required to give a statement or a presentation to help that happen. Start preparing for it this week.

Sagittarius Horoscope (Born November 22-December 21).

This week brings opportunities for collaboration. A Strengthened partnership with positive interactions. and if this isn’t a work related collaboration, for a purpose project, it might be starting a physical exercise routine, getting yourself a personal trainer or some assistance with a workout program to help build your confidence in the gym.

Capricorn Horoscope (Born December 22 – January 19).

This week, you’ll find yourself stepping up as others around you navigate their challenges. In doing so, you’ll have the opportunity to take the lead in resolving several issues. The silver lining? This could be the perfect moment to present a solution you’ve been considering to someone who needs it most.

Aquarius Horoscope (Born January 20 – February 18).

Expect increased excitement in your social life this week, with more people calling or stopping by to say hi, which may initially seem pleasant. However, stay alert, as someone might have ulterior motives and could be attempting to steer your efforts and direction in a way that benefits them more than you.

Pisces Horoscope (Born February 19 – March 20).

At home, you might experience significant changes or renovations that bring a fresh energy to your living space, possibly transforming the way you and your family interact. This week could mark a positive turning point in both your home environment and your personal bonds with loved ones.

If you missed last weeks horoscope you can check it out here! And follow this weeks full zodiac unfolding developments on The Horoscope Astrology Podcast here!

Charlotte “Charly” King is a professional astrologer and author with three years as an associate member of The American Federation of Astrologers. Born and raised in the UK, she is a proud American citizen, despite pouting about changing her blue hair back to brown because she wanted to be respectable at the interview. Charly is a science nerd, obsessed with hacking health, prosperity & wellness using a retrospective look at astrological cycles in parallel with those of today. She finished her first book on emotional management in May 2019, (available December 22), while running a horoscope subscription service with daily astrological updates for all signs. Working more with tech developers on dating, wellness, and self-development apps, she has also been using metaphysics to provide algorithms for newcomers in the fin-tech arena and working alongside RNs to investigate health indicators in natal charts. Her favorite areas of astrology have fast become the stock market, health & medicine, and the world's general evolutionary progress. Charly is the founder of The Horoscope Vault, a new online platform aimed at bringing the benefits of astrology to the public through educational courses and impartial, daily horoscopes. Most of her time is spent looking at the stars and figuring out the changes that are coming, but in those rare moments when her feet are planted firmly on the ground, she likes to cook, clean, and enjoy the simple aspects of life with her husband and their differently-abled husky, Bean.

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