I can’t begin to describe or explain all of the feelings that I have as Bob retires from radio. There’s joy, because he’s worked and provided for nearly his entire life and now it’s finally his turn to catch a break. Wake up without an alarm. Go whole days and maybe even a whole week with nothing on the calendar. No more meetings. No more scrambling to hit deadlines. No more negotiating when or how he might take a day off.
Then there’s the shock of a day that we’d talked about, wondered about, and tried to plan for – and that day arriving for real. The whole idea of retiring was something Bob wrestled with for a very long time. But you know how it is with big decisions like this. One day you just…know. And once you know, everything inside of you seems to change. You see things differently.
We are a group of people that have worked together for so long that all the lines are forever blurred. There’s no work/life separation for us. It’s all the same thing. A lot of workplaces want to tell you what a family they are. But for us, it’s real. We have every ingredient a family needs: disagreements, long-simmering feuds, piles of embarrassing photos, stories we love to tell – and stories we can never tell. And memories. So many memories. We’re blessed that most of them really are truly wonderful. But, like every family, we’ve also carried each other through disappointment, troubles, heartbreak, and grief. Bob retiring isn’t just some guy you work with choosing to go play golf. It’s the end of an era in our family.
I can only speak for myself now, and it’s hard to speak through tears. I have so many Bob Lacey stories – no one in this world has ever made me laugh so hard, or for so long. I don’t think he’s ever really gotten his due in our business – for his brains, guts, or sheer talent. In part because he makes it look easy. Bob’s a naturally funny person, and a natural storyteller. To watch him work is to think that it’s all just effortless. But let me tell you something: that man lived and breathed it. All he cared about was the audience, our little community of listeners. That’s why he came to work sick, and worried about taking any time off at all. That work ethic – it was one of the many things we have in common. We put our heads down and did whatever we had to do. Until the day when we looked up and Bob said, Sheri, I think it’s time.
And it is time – because Bob feels it’s time. You think I don’t want to chain him to his chair? Of course I do. But to love a person is to want their happiness, even above your own.
If I had a million pages and a whole year to write, I’m not sure I could find the words to sum up what an extraordinary adventure we’ve had. How proud we are to have built this kooky little thing. How grateful we feel to have found each other (it was so unlikely). How much fun we’ve had with you. How lucky we’ve been, even on the hardest days. I just can’t find the right words.
Bob and I have been like a couple of 12-year-olds rampaging through life without adult supervision. We played every single day – and it didn’t matter what the day brought, because we knew how to turn it into a good time. When we got into trouble, which was surprisingly often, we covered for each other. You couldn’t divide us, and you couldn’t break us. Even if one of us was in the wrong, the other would put on a poker face worthy of a gangster and announce that you’d just have to punish both of us ‘cause we ain’t talking.
We were a nightmare for some of those poor managers, something we now kinda sorta maybe regret. But only a little, and only once in a while, if we’re honest. Our loyalty was always and only to each other – and to our listeners.
The door that Bob kicked open for me was one I didn’t even know existed. Now I can’t imagine anything else. Every single thing I have in my life, everything I’ve done? It all began with one sentence that Bob dropped over lunch at a restaurant called The Foundry:
“I’ve been searching for a partner, and It’s you.”
I genuinely had no real idea what that meant, but it’s clear to me now that I already trusted him. Even though I didn’t know it at the time. Even though he’d tell you that I spent the first three years of our working life eyeing him with suspicion. I must have seemed like a wild thing afraid to trust that here might finally be a place I could call home.
The question I’ve been asked countless times now: how do I feel about Bob retiring? I feel like a kid who’s just learned that her bestest friend and playmate and constant companion must pack up his toys now and leave. That it’s time for him to go, that other things are calling. It’s not a forever goodbye, true, but it’s the end of something you secretly hoped would last forever. And you tell yourself, don’t be greedy. After all, didn’t we get to play like 12-year-olds for so much longer than anyone gets to be 12?
That’s how I’m always going to see it. Bob’s retiring is just a different way for Bob to play. And I hope it’s the best time ever because he deserves it. He’s earned it. And if you see him out there doing all kinds of un-Bob things? No you didn’t. Let Chit Chat run free.
I’ve listened to you Bob since you were on with Harold – when I was in high school! I also watched you on PM Magazine, and of course have joyfully listened to you and Sheri and happily found you again when you changed stations. What a great straight man you can be Bob! I do love it when you get your own zingers in and say what you wanna say. Like many others I do hope that we will hear from you occasionally. Enjoy your retirement and do all of the things you enjoy, and as few of those things that are not on your favorites’ list as possible. I hope that you and all of your loved ones enjoy the heck out of your retirement time, hereto called the second half of your life to be maxxed out in all of the best ways possible. We’ll miss you like crazy, but it’s fun to think of what fun and joy you’ll be having!
You’ve got that just right Sheri. We’ll miss Bob like crazy, but thank God you’re staying put! I’m certainly pleased that I was one of the lucky ones who got to enjoy such a team as Bob and Sheri. Radio gold.
From a watcher from his days at PM Magazine, and his subsequent years on radio with Sheri I am so thankful I was able to share in some of it. Congratulations on your retirement I hope you have many fruitful years. And God bless Sheri and the crew as they move ahead.
I have enjoyed Bob & Sheri for years, and will miss Bob and his humor, wit and unbelievable comedic timing. Best of luck Bob on the new journey you’re about to begin!
This message makes me sad but happy for Bob. You two were definitely a class act no matter how low you went or the trials you faced for just being Bob & Sheri. I was fortunate to listen to you every morning and then the icing on the cake was getting to meet you in Ellsworth, Maine. Sheri,continue to laugh and wipe those tears; and Bob just remember that life begins at retirement. Something tells me I’ll survive but it’s not going to be painless. Thank you!
Oh my gosh. This makes me sad. I listened to you two for so long I can’t even remember never having you guys on in the car or at my apartment after a full night shift. I will miss the fun and laughter, but yes Bob has earned this and I wish him joy and luck in whatever this next chapter of his life holds.
I’m crying. SO many good memories. I’ve love listening to you and Bob for most of my adult life. Your voices are so near and dear to me, I can’t imagine not hearing you in tandem anymore. But I’m so grateful for it all. THANK YOU BOB. You’re amazing, you’re so loved. Go enjoy that retirement with all the gusto you brought to the show. We will miss you!
It is bittersweet and I want to make sure Bob leaves knowing that he made an impression. He said the other day, “It’s the power of the medium”… Yes but More it is the power of your voices…Bob’s voice. The tone the connotations, the presence, the calm, the fire when he was riled up. It’s not the medium but the voices that belong to the people with the hearts who made us laugh and cry coming to all of us through the medium! Best wishes Bob and Onward Sherri and Lamar!
Don’t know what we’ll do without him. Listener since 1998
Have fun Bob! Wear your pj’s to Wal-Mart. Eat ravioli. Live free ✨️
Congratulations to Bob on his well-deserved retirement. Like so many others have said, he will be missed. Bob, be proud of your hard work and dedication to us, your listeners. You’ve left a lasting impact and we love you! Now you get to focus on yourself, lol, not that the focus hasn’t been on you, but that’s ok too! You’ve shared terrific stories and reminisced and have touched the hearts of many! You’ve set a high standard for Sheri, Max, Doc and Lamar. I love you guys and look forward to the show. Pop in from time to time Bob so we can hear about how life goes in retirement. No matter where life take you sweet Bob, remember we carry you in our hearts. Be well and God bless.
Oh am dreading that last and final day…but know you will Enjoy and by Happy.. we definitely will miss you BOB. It will be a change but we have the rest of the crew and Lamar was a great addition to the family. Please come back on occasions to give us some BOB MOMENTS
God bless and take care
Congratulations to Bob on his retirement
Hell, yes!!! Let Bob be free. Love this very honest remembrance. ❤️
I feel so sad for you Sheri but it is time for Bob to have some stress free time. I hope he has a blast. You will be fine without him. We will always miss him though. Hugs to you!! Been listening since 1998!!
Bob, I will miss you! I truly am happy for you, but so sad for the rest of us. You have been a staple in our house for over 20 years, my kids grew up listening to you guys and my son who just turned 16 is also sad you are not going to be gracing us every morning with your wit and humor. I will still be listening to Sheri Lamar Max and Heather but it just won’t be the same. I wish you the best , enjoy Hilton Head that is one of our favorite spots since we were stationed at Fort Stewart in 2008. There is a special place in my heart for the low country. Take care Bob and live it up in retirement!!!❤️😢
Oh, Sheri. I cannot even imagine. We (the audience) love Bob. We will miss Bob. But you, the devastation you must feel. It is going to be pretty damn hard on Monday.
You can do it! We (the audience) need you to do it.
Be strong.
Bob needs an autobiography. If you write it, then you’ll still be working together. I know you are so busy – maybe you just collaborate. Between the two of you, it would be a story I’d pay for… and I usually get books from the library.
You are all loved.
I’ve been listening to you guys for as long as you’ve been on the air. I’ve moved around a bit but always looked for a station near to hear your voices. I will miss you Bob, but am happy for your retirement. Enjoy it and enjoy your family time. It won’t be the same without you!
Faithful, long time listener,
Sheri, this is so beautifully written. We all love Bob, but I know it will be a real change for you. Just want you to know so many of us will be right by your side cheering you on with Lamar. ❤️
I have listened to you and Bob since day one of your being together. Your listeners have been so blessed by your entertainment, your honesty, your genuine love of what you do. I will miss Bob, but so excited that he finally gets to relax and enjoy life. I’m excited that the show will continue, very loyal to you. Lamar, Max, Doc, Heather. Please pass love on to Bob. The Social Worker in me knows how tough for you all, but your love for him will get you through.
Listening to the Bob and Sheri show helped me get through my masters degree back in 2010. The laughs and happiness you all provided helped keep me going when I was stressed and exhausted. Now in 2024, I have my dream job (I’m a professor at a great university). Thanks for helping to get me where I am today. I’ll always be grateful! Congratulations, Bob! You’ve more than earned it! ❤️
It’s hard to say goodbye to Bob, but I’m very glad that you encouraged him to stay around so that we could all say goodbye and wish him well. I’ve been listening to y’all since 1999 in Columbus, GA. I’ll continue to listen and look forward to hearing more from Lamar, Max and Doc. Love y’all so much!
ah geez Sheri, you got me crying at “end of an era” and I ugly cried all the way through. You could have kept writing. Bob feels like a brother to me and so many others, I’m sure. He’s so funny and a gentleman, kind and compassionate. I don’t think I’ll ever get over missing Bob on the show (heck I still miss Todd, ha!). But I wish Bob every single thing he wants for his retirement. Love you both so much.
Listener since 2000,
mary in Santa Rosa Ca
That was beautiful, Sheri, and I read it several times. I am going to miss the wonderful connection you two shared on air. I hope he isn’t a stranger and you tell stories of him from time to time! He will be missed for sure. It got me wondering how you two met and started your partnership. I’m sure I heard the story before but I couldn’t recall it. Best of luck to Bob and hugs to you Sheri!
As much as I’m going to miss Bob I know you will miss him more Sheri. The connection you 2 have shared defines, for me, the term “ride or die”. For someone to have your back the way you & Bob have had each other’s backs is something to be treasured. We all should be so lucky to have a cohort in crime at our jobs that you have had. But with Lamar, Heather, Max, Doc and Tony, you have a strong tribe with you. Hugs.
Thanks for all the great memories, Bob and Sheri. We will miss you, Bob. Happy travels. And Sheri, you got this. We are all still here.
Congratulations on your retirement Bob, you’re going to love it!!
I’ve enjoyed your morning show for several years and are going to miss you terribly but know that Sheri and rest of your crew are going to continue and thrive because of you!
Thank you!
Your words were beautifully written!❤️ Hang in there!! Your listeners (including me!) will still be there for you and the rest of the team!🥰
I’m pleased that Bob is joining us here in Maine for the summer. He should have been paid to promote our state so well. I retired twelve years ago from teaching and I feel like a whole new person. Even though we won’t get to be with him, Sheri, you will still have him in your life. Focus on that to help you adjust. Please continue to tell Bob stories because I’m sure he will be sharing his life with you and we want to stay connected as well. Life is change and if we flow with it, we grow with it. Can’t wait to see the direction the show will take now. Blessings to all.
Woke up this morning knowing it is Bob’s last day on the radio. The tears started flowing. Then I read your beautiful words and my heart aches. So happy for Bob but it is like losing a family member. I look forward to having him pop in here and there with stories and updates. Sending g l my love to all of you!
I can’t listen at work like I used too, so I binge on occasion. Your letter makes me so sad! I listened from Illinois when you were still married having your second child and bobs divorce… I’ll miss him too. Your letter has me in tears. Good luck to you Both. Today, I need to do some listening.
Bob has been part of our life, too. I gave my husband updates on the show like I’m sharing news about our kids from the day.
We love you all and so happy for Bob!
Wishing you all the best!
It’s so surreal to think of Bob not being there. We’ve been listening to the both of you (well, Bob first, then you joined 😉) since 1990. We remember Bob looking for you (and how many others just didn’t work) My kids grew up with Bob & Sheri, every morning on the way to school.
Congratulations, Bob, we’ll miss you! Enjoy retirement (it’s a lot of fun! 😉)
Thank you Sheri. That makes it a little easier, not totally, but a lot tj easier to wish Bob a beautiful travel into the journey of retirement. Welcome to Maine any time you want Bob and I hope it’s often.
Bob will surely be missed by us listeners. It will be a new day for you Monday morning. The fans will be there! I wish the best for Bob in his retirement. And for you, Sheri, you will keep the show going 😊. We love you too! Been a listener since 1999!
I really hate to see Bob retire and what you wrote made me cry. I really can’t imagine not hearing Bob every day with his quick wit but I’m happy for him (sad for us). Best of everything Bob!
I may not have been part of the “team” there but I am a part of your team of listeners. I love to listen to all of you guys on my commute to work it makes my day so much brighter. I selfishly do not want Bob to retire either because when you finally find something that makes your everyday life a little bit better you don’t want it to change ever but I know that the rest of you guys will make it just as bright for me and all of your listeners. Happy retirement Bob and we love you!!!!
You have written a beautiful tribute
He will be missed.
I have only been listening to you podcast for about 10 years, and I wished I had found it earlier! It would have been a great help getting through the quiet night shifts that I sometimes had. I listened a lot over the past 5 years over drives to my daughter and parents homes. It’s like having a group of friends in the car with me!! Laughing out loud at the antics and funny stories!!
I’ll miss Bob, but know he will enjoy his free time and wish him the best of times! I know the show itself will continue to be a group of friends for me, just different.
Well said Sheri. When “specific” people exit our lives as we know it, its change and change is hard. All the questions, who am I going to share this with, who am I going to ask this question? it’s almost like a death/loss of family. When my boss retired, I wrote him a letter very similar to yours, expressing what I felt I needed to say to help “me” move on. It’s a loss that is bittersweet. You are happy for them, but what now! I am a long-time listener and love your show. The show has carried me through good times and bad. It’s “part” of me, so when I heard Bob was retiring, all those feelings came bubbling up as I felt a “friend” was exiting my life. It was loss for a brief moment, but as you did, you have to look at the bigger picture! Good for Bob! Go Enjoy! Live your life! Enjoy your birds! Friends are family of your own choosing, and you guys are family!
Best wishes on your retirement. I caught you guys years ago, on my drive from Poughkeepsie to Hudson NY, continue to listen on IHeart radio. What a great team you and Sheri made all these years. Hope you will stop by from time to time. Sheri glad you are going to continue with the show, we will miss Bob, but you have an outstanding cast with you, lead my Lamar.
Truly is sad. I’ve enjoyed your show for so long that I honestly can’t remember when it first started. I’m retired now and use to travel a lot as a sales/serviceman. Each day your show entertained my morning commute calling on customers. Enjoy your new true freedom B Lacy…. it is very nice. Note: Buy yourself a nice omelet pan and become a master and creator of omelets. It makes a nice breakfast, lunch or dinner, at your leisure. Be well.
Sheri.. I have been listening to you and Bob for about 15 years or so. I hate to see him go. It was like a punch in the gut the morning he announced his retirement over the air. I was sick. I had to pull over and call my wife. I wasn’t really sure if I could finish my drive to work. You guys are so awesome, words can’t describe.Bob really deserves to retire, but man I hate to see him go. He doesn’t realize that he is walking away from the greatest radio show on planet Earth. I mean the very best. I wanted to call in just couldn’t find the right words. Anyhow , Bob hope you have a great retirement. Hope you drop by now and then , just to say hello. We wish you the best.
You long time listener
Wow this party is over but the next one begins! I myself am toying with the idea to retire. Not an easy decision. I too work with people I love and that makes it even a harder decision. You guys were blessed to have each other. Let the good times roll Bob and Sheri kick some more ___
Hi Sheri,
I know how difficult it was for me to know that Bob was leaving, I listened to the two of you from the beginning and watched him on PM Magazine.
What you two had was truly kismet. What made it work was everyone else could see that as well.
We will miss Bob, but I intend to keep listening to you, Lamar, Max & Doc because I feel like you all are part of my family.
Love you all!!
Well said Sheri! Change is difficult but is a part of life. Bob will be missed a lot but deserves to retire and enjoy the next phase of life. Cheers to Bob and to you & Lamar and the team going forward. I love listening to you on my daily walks in Castle Rock Colorado where we retired to from Charlotte.
I was able to join Happy Hour last night but I cannot yet bring myself to listen to today’s podcast (1/31). You’re right, Sherri, as you so often are, we need to celebrate Bob’s success and be joyful that he gets to ride off into retirement on his pony or his high horse, because that’s alright too!
To say I’m grateful for you all is a vast understatement! You all have been there to lift up my spirits over the past 25+ years. I don’t even remember how I stumbled onto 107.9 from my car radio in Fountain Inn SC in the 90s. What a roller coaster ride we’ve been on. My biggest regret is that I never called in, even though there were countless times I had much to say.
Thank you Bob for sharing your life, opinions, stories and laughter. You’ve enriched my life too. You deserve the very best retirement has to offer<3 🙂
We all knew this day was coming eventually but it’s still hard to grapple with. I listened on the day that Bob announced his retirement to the audience and I heard an audible gasp from Sheri and I have to tell you, I did the same thing. Tears welled in my eyes as I am sure others experienced too. As I listened to the subsequent shows after the announcement I was so touched at the outpouring of emotions and well wishes for Bob. I wish him well and now I am enthusiastically looking forward to seeing the direction that the show takes from this point forward.
Thank you.
Good memories never fade. Beautifully said. Keep on keeping on. He is leaving with everything in good hands! The gang will keep rocking and rolling!
The Bob and Sheri Show shined a light in my life for over 20 years as I commuted long hours to work. Having a stressful job means I dearly treasured the laughter brought by you two. Bob, please know you made a positive difference!! I still remember when you sent a personal reply to my retirement email. Enjoy it all…well-earned…well-deserved, kind sir!!! Sheri stay strong because of the many listeners still depending on you! God bless you both!
I cannot believe it. Cheers to you, good sir!
I’m so happy for you Bob. Enjoy your retirement.
I know exactly how he feels. It happened to me 2021. I turned 62, my mom had a stroke, they took my preschool classroom away for more room for covid reasons, i was teaching remote and helping with my mom two hours away and i was exhausted. I felt all the signs pointed me to retire.
It hasn’t been an easy adjustment as it won’t be for Bob. He will figure it out. I hope he has a hobby or a distraction cause old habits die hard.
All my best to Bob and especially to you Sheri! You got this. You can reinvent yourself and have a great staff to support you.
You will both figure it out. Both my husband and I retired during covid. All the pieces fell into place to point the way. Our family needs and timing were all lined up as Bob’s are. Sheri you got this!! Keep on the radio pods.
I’m all teary eyed reading this! You all have been in my life for so long and I can’t imagine how hard this is for you. I’m so happy for Bob. It really does seem like he has some wonderful things planned for his retirement. Sending lots of love your way as you too transition to Sheri & Lamar. We all love you guys ❤️
You guys are the best. I’m happy for Bob, but dear God, I’m going to miss him. Love you all, looking forward to the new show.
Beautifully stated! I have been in Charlotte since 1974 and Bob was on WBT Radio, then PM Magazine a few years later. I secretly had a crush on him because he looked like Davy Jones. Then he was on my morning drive radio. When Sheri joined him it just felt like friends cheering me on to my day. I will truly miss Chit Chat’s witty banter and his compassion.
Congratulations Bob on a job well done many times over and to a wonderful and fulfilling retirement!
How eloquently written Sheri. You are both absolute LEGENDS in my book. The chemistry between you two and the stories you have gotten out of people will go down in history for your listeners. This is heartbreaking that the end of that era has come. But I have to say thank you so much for the solid GOLD you have given us to listen to for years to come. Much Love, Greensboro Girl North Carolina
I just wanted to congratulate Bob on his retirement and let him know that I am truly grateful for all the years you have been with the show! I started listening about 15 years ago on my way to work. We moved from Dubuque to Wyoming (Iowa) and all we had there was Bob & Tom and some others which I never really got into to. Then when we moved to Wyoming (near Cedar Rapids), I started listening to 104.5 and heard you guys for the first time on my way into work. I was like finally a show i can listen to. I listened day after day and totally fell in love with the show and everyone on it. I always felt that Bob had/has such a calming voice to listen to and Sheri matched that perfectly! I have been listening ever since that day and have never missed a single episode. I usually listen through the podcast because I like to be able to pause and rewind if I need to and also like the oddcast and True Weird Stuff. I know this has to be Extremely hard for Sheri especially and the rest of the group, but Bob will be close by and he can be Extremely proud of his accomplishments and feel comfortable knowing that Lamar will be continuing his legacy and memories and also making new ones. Again, CONGRATULATIONS BOB!!! Maybe we will see you in the Weinermobile one day or policing the neighborhoods. 🤗
Loved your show from your first day on air❤️❤️❤️
Enjoy your time, Bob!
Sheri, keep making us laugh, please!
When it’s time you know. That is so true. I retired two years ago, I knew it was time. You will be missed.
Thank you Bob (and Sherry too) for ALL of your dedication to the community. I LOVE waking up to you. I wish Bob the best in his retirement. Family is important. You need to absorb every moment you have with them. Retirement will give you that time. We look forward to your visits back to the show to let us know how things are going. How about a “Bob travel pod cast?” Just thinking…. Happy Retirement Bob!❤️👍
I was utterly shocked to hear yesterday (1/31/25) that Bob was retiring! I’m not a morning person so I discovered your show by accident one day when I was in the car, before 10 am. Our local station had the Bob & Sheri show on. I was hooked right away! You have an amazing group and the fun just never ends. For me, it’s the best thing about being up and having to be somewhere early. Congratulations Bob on your well deserved retirement and thank you for bringing the Bob & Sheri show into my mornings.
It will be.so different not hearing Bob!! Best wishes for a wonderful retirement Bob!!
Perfectly stated, Sheri. We will all miss Bob but (you the most, of course) we also know that he has earned this next, exciting chapter in life. I am a devoted and long-time listener and that will never change. Love all of you!
Listened to you both for soooo long.
When I finally got a job where I could sleep
late, the podcasts have sustained me
Enjoy retirement, Bob.
Now, you’ve got me thinking about it.
Beautifully written, Sheri. Thank you for sharing.
My computer has been in the shop for too long and I am now catching up with all my emails. I have tears in my eyes reading this. Say it isn’t so Bob. I moved to the Charlotte area 10 years ago and as with any move to a new area, I was searching the radio dial for something fun and interesting to listen to, that was not just music. I found it with your show. I used to listen to it every day on the way to work. People driving around me, must have thought I was crazy. As I would laugh so hard some days listening to the things you and Bob would talk about and Morones in the news. I would wonder how these idiots would get through the day, with the things they used to do.
Now Bob, I can only wish you love and joy and happiness. I just retired last October and therefore I am not listening to your show anymore. No excuses, I just do not get up early these days. I start working on my to do list and do not have the radio on, my loss!! You too will find many things to fill your “FREE” days and other days you just want to have a whole “FREE” day and do nothing but chill and walk the dog. Go ahead and enjoy your new way of life Bob and I wish you well and goodness, I will miss you. Love, Michele D.
Hello Bob, Sheri, LaMar, Max and Doc,
I love your show and am a many-year listener. You’ve been my comfort when I was going through difficult times in my life, were my “friends” in the back seat of my car on my morning work commute, the source of fascinating science facts and wonderful family and relatable stories, and laugh out loud banter. When my closest local radio station in Oregon stopped playing your show, I was happy to find it in Stockton, CA, KJOY! Congratulations to Bob on his retirement! When I listened to your first show on that Monday without Bob, I loved it, but was also relieved and happy to hear Bob’s voice, and that a clip or two of him talking was included! Your show is so joyful, comforting and something to look forward to! Keep it up!!