Balance and Cooperation

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Hosted by
Charly King

Charlotte “Charly” King is a professional astrologer and author with three years as an associate member of The American Federation of Astrologers.

Born and raised in the UK, she is a proud American citizen, despite pouting about changing her blue hair back to brown because she wanted to be respectable at the interview.

Charly is a science nerd, obsessed with hacking health, prosperity & wellness using a retrospective look at astrological cycles in parallel with those of today. She finished her first book on emotional management in May 2019, (available December 22), while running a horoscope subscription service with daily astrological updates for all signs. Working more with tech developers on dating, wellness, and self-development apps, she has also been using metaphysics to provide algorithms for newcomers in the fin-tech arena and working alongside RNs to investigate health indicators in natal charts. Her favorite areas of astrology have fast become the stock market, health & medicine, and the world's general evolutionary progress.

Charly is the founder of The Horoscope Vault, a new online platform aimed at bringing the benefits of astrology to the public through educational courses and impartial, daily horoscopes.

Most of her time is spent looking at the stars and figuring out the changes that are coming, but in those rare moments when her feet are planted firmly on the ground, she likes to cook, clean, and enjoy the simple aspects of life with her husband and their differently-abled husky, Bean.

Week of May 5th

This weeks theme is balance and cooperation. Even though we still have the interfering impact of Mercury retrograde at play, we are over halfway into its erratic journey and so it’s already been as bad as it’s going to get. Changes come from a new planetary player in the ring, Venus moving into the home loving sign of Cancer is set to offer some chill for all.


This week you become more focused on the home, that’s anything from gentle decor adjustments all the way to buying, selling or changing where you live altogether. More contact with the family than usual is another a possible outcome but it’s likely to be harmonious and pleasant, even if it takes extra effort.

Do: This is a good week to put on a mask and keep things peaceful with others!

Don’t: This is not a good week to call people out for their inconsistencies.


A clear and happy mind is yours with less busy, high energy stuff going on around you and more rewards. There may even be a very specific piece of good news coming into your life.

Do: This is a great week for learning a new skill in private, at your own pace behind the scenes.

Don’t: This is not a good week for picking arguments with siblings and other relatives.


Financial pressure could be temporarily lifted due to taking on a more thankful and positive perspective when looking at your income and assets. You find yourself much more grateful for the possessions and opportunities in your life.

Do: This is a good week to volunteer or offer your time to a charitable organization and share the gratitude.

Don’t: This is not a good week to lend someone a large sum of money.


You could be much more productive than you have been recently. You’re more active in pursuing things you’ve been dreaming of doing and generally feel very good about yourself overall. A work role or position you want could become available by chance and you know deep down you are the perfect fit.

Do: This is a good week to work quietly on your career goals.

Don’t: It is not a good week to showcase others shortcomings in hope of it working in your favor.


Although you have a clear vision of the ideal way relationships should operate with a focus on fairness and reciprocity, this next week could be more about putting your needs second to theirs.

Do: This is a good week to bite your tongue and remember that we are all different and have unique paths and journeys.

Don’t: It is not a good week for sleep, and some weird dreams could make things really confusing in the mornings!


A special friendship or interest group grabs your attention this week and you could spend more time connecting with those you share some very specific interests with.

Do: This is a great time for exploring creative new approaches to existing ideas especially if they’ve hit a wall, it’s a great time for general project brainstorming.

Don’t: This is not a good time for tending to the small print, logical, financial details of something.


A favorable week for your work & home balance offers you a renewed sense of joy in your job. Or maybe you’re excited about aligning with new opportunities that fit your life goals better.

Do: This is a good week for asking your partner or closest friend for their honest opinion.

Don’t: This is not a good week to bring up old arguments between you and someone else.


You’re about to see your whole life in a new light. The philosophical and creative synapses are switched on and firing in your brain so don’t fight an active imagination. It’s more fun to follow up the unusual thoughts and ideas you have instead of pushing them away or suppressing them.

Do: This is a great week for positive and seamless cooperation in the workplace.

Don’t: This is not a good week to let stress or anger take the wheel.


You could feel more tuned into your artistic, social or romantic nature which makes you more comfortable sharing your thoughts and opinions without hesitation. It is even possible that a positive business opportunity arises through interaction with a woman this week.

Do: This is a great time for prioritizing your relaxation and getting lost in movies music and art.

Don’t: It is not a good time for overlooking your own needs in love, romance or work.


You’re extra responsive to others, more so than usual, and you just want to reach a happy medium of support, love and harmony. You crave balance in your public relations, social activities, and all other connections and relationships in your life. If you have been having problems with someone, now is an ideal time for reconciliation.

Do: This is a good week to start or tend to the needs of a business partnership.

Don’t: This is not a good week for taking things for granted or allowing others to lead you into excess and overindulgence.


You work well with people at solving difficulties or problems that arise and this could actually result in some pleasant gifts or rewards coming your way to say thanks.

Do: This is a good week to keep the positive mindset going and put more focus into bettering your wellness and health.

Don’t: This is not a good week for laziness or reaching for sugar laden snacks.


The need to express yourself through creative activity is enormous this week and your whimsical nature is likely to be more dominant than usual. This could result in paying less attention to your accounts and having more interest in all things romance and love.

Do: This is a great week to schedule a romantic night in or out with your partner or set up a date with a new person you are interested in.

Don’t: It is not a good week to skip the formalities and go straight upstairs for coffee.

If you’d like to know more about Venus moving into Cancer and what this transition offers your sign, check out the full horoscope podcast here!



Charlotte “Charly” King is a professional astrologer and author with three years as an associate member of The American Federation of Astrologers. Born and raised in the UK, she is a proud American citizen, despite pouting about changing her blue hair back to brown because she wanted to be respectable at the interview. Charly is a science nerd, obsessed with hacking health, prosperity & wellness using a retrospective look at astrological cycles in parallel with those of today. She finished her first book on emotional management in May 2019, (available December 22), while running a horoscope subscription service with daily astrological updates for all signs. Working more with tech developers on dating, wellness, and self-development apps, she has also been using metaphysics to provide algorithms for newcomers in the fin-tech arena and working alongside RNs to investigate health indicators in natal charts. Her favorite areas of astrology have fast become the stock market, health & medicine, and the world's general evolutionary progress. Charly is the founder of The Horoscope Vault, a new online platform aimed at bringing the benefits of astrology to the public through educational courses and impartial, daily horoscopes. Most of her time is spent looking at the stars and figuring out the changes that are coming, but in those rare moments when her feet are planted firmly on the ground, she likes to cook, clean, and enjoy the simple aspects of life with her husband and their differently-abled husky, Bean.

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