
On the Edge of Change!

Mercury into Capricorn and the dawning of a new way of thinking. If you feel on the edge of your seat, fresh into this New Year it’s because the world is on the edge of a change that is so huge, it ushers in a completely new way of approaching life...

Mercury Moves Into Libra

As Mercury moves into Libra this week, all signs of the zodiac could experience an interesting exchange of words, a message that comes just at the right time or some matters that are ready to be balanced out. Aries Horoscope It could be difficult to...

Virgo Season

We shift into Virgo season this week which is a little more challenging than usual because on the very same day, Mercury goes retrograde! A retrograde is when one planet overlaps or is overlapped by another, and the planet that falls behind...

Surprise, Surprise

This is one of those weeks where the astrology just shows up as surprise after surprise. Which is quite fitting for post Aquarius Full Moon energy. Lots of squares in the sky create spontaneous happenings. Aries, a surprise could be settling an...

Mars Moves into Virgo

  Mars moves into the maiden, perfectionism loving earth sign of Virgo this week which adds a level of motivation or maybe even conflict into the mix.  For Aries that means you have more energy at your disposal, which you’ll need because things...

Pluto moves back into Capricorn

This is one of the bigger weeks in astrology as Pluto moves back into Capricorn reminding you not to let slack on a particular lesson that’s been brewing for the past 14 years. Aries The question for you this week is…are you truly fulfilled by your...

Welcome to Gemini Season

This weekend the Sun moves into Gemini which increases the pace of everything and for each sign that looks quite different. Aries Someone could step up their game trying to get you on side this week. Be wary of fanatical approaches or just over...

A Little Luck Never Hurt

  This week is wonderful. They say that luck can only get you so far but this week is what astrologers would call the luckiest cosmic initiation of the year. Jupiter the planet of growth and abundance enters the sign of Taurus which is security...
