Tips for Actually Relaxing on Vacation

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Hosted by
Nikki Lanigan

Nikki Lanigan is a yoga, HIIT, and Barre instructor, she is also a Holistic Health Coach through Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Nikki is trained in Yoga Shred, Yoga Psychology, meditation, chakra balancing, and EFT/Tapping.

She has done trainings with Sadie Nardini and Ashley Turner.

She got her 200 hour yoga teacher training in 2017 at the Carrie Treister School Of Yoga.

Nikki takes a holistic view of health, helping her students and clients reach a place of self-love not just through movement, but with mindset and lifestyle guidance as well.

Nikki is also show prep writer for The McVay Media Show Prep and host of the podcast Fit, Fun, and Frazzled.

Connect with Nikki on Instagram.

Memorial Day Weekend kicks off the unofficial start to Summer. With summer comes summer vacations which can cause stress on some.

Do you take full advantage and get some R&R on your vacations or do you need a vacation from your vacation?

I think the goal for everyone is to rest, relax, and enjoy vacation. Not to feel stressed, drained, and even more tired when you get home. We want to feel refreshed in our mind and body from our daily lives. A getaway. But I know sometimes vacations can feel hectic and busy and you come back home not feeling energized and refreshed.

It’s important to take opportunities to decompress for extended periods of time and give our bodies and minds a break to reset.

9 Tips To Help Have a Relaxing Vacation:

  1. Start packing ahead of time. Pick up toiletries, odds and ends you will need. Whether driving or flying pack accordingly. Have your itinerary planned out. This will help you not have last minute stresses. If you are driving have snacks planned, games, movies, etc. planned. The same goes for flying, have TSA approved snacks planned, games, movies, etc.
  2. Schedule out plenty of fun activities. It is fun to have unplanned time on vacation but it is also nice to have fun and exciting activities planned too. Consider making age appropriate activities for everyone. If there are a lot of people on the vacation and a wide age range make sure to accommodate everyone and no-one feels left out or they are doing what everyone else wants to do.
  3. Plan a relaxing schedule too. Soak up all the sunshine. Bring books and boardgames to do in the hotel room or house. Plan for rainy days and days you want to watch TV or movies. Take naps, sleep in, stay up late talking, laughing, and night swimming.
  4. Make lists. I am a huge list maker. If you are staying in a house or condo prepare your grocery list ahead of time. If you need to bring sheets, towels, etc with you know this ahead of time too. There are so many grocery delivery services now like Instacart, DoorDash, and others. If you have the budget take advantage of using them.
  5. Create a realistic budget. Make sure you are not over extending yourself to go on vacation. Vacations are expensive. From plane tickets, hotel stays, or home rentals, to renting cars, food, souvenirs, tourist activities, shopping, and other expenses. It can get stressful and overwhelming. If you can have extra room for unplanned expenses that will help. A lot of hotels take out incidental fees upfront then put it back on your credit card after you check out. Know if there are hidden fees, taxes, and so forth. If you have pets at home that need looked after, plants that need watered, and have someone taking care of your house factor that into your budget too. Know what activities you want to do up front can help with the added stress financially too. (Okay, I think I have already stressed myself out.)
  6. Unplug from work. It is hard to relax if you always have to check emails and have your work responsibilities from back home but I do know some people will have to work while they are on vacation. If you can set away messages on your emails do that. If you have to work; set an hour or two each day to check emails, return calls, and work. Maybe first thing in the morning or an hour in the morning and an hour later in the day.
  7. Be honest with yourself as to what you need. Self-care is extremely important. If you want to relax and you have little ones it can be hard. If you rented a house and are still cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, and all of your other daily chores ask for help. If you are the parent that does this daily back home be upfront and ask for it to be split on vacation. Many parents have an attitude that they need to make sure the kids are having a great time that they sacrifice themselves. Make sure to take time for yourself too, it will help you rest and relax and also not feel resentful. This is your vacation too. If you are going on vacation with a large group and you need alone time make sure you take that. Go for a walk by yourself, stay in your room, go get coffee, etc.
  8. If you practice a daily wellness routine and it helps you stay grounded bring that with you. Keep up with meditation and breath work. If you like to workout and run on vacation keep doing it. Tell yourself daily affirmations, journal, whatever your daily routine is bring it with you on vacation. I do like to workout while I travel so I keep it up. Some people like to take a break and that’s ok too. Do what works for you.
  9. Bring patience and a relaxed mindset with you. One thing to remember kids and adults will get tired. People will get crabby and tantrums will be had. Sunburns can happen, people can get sick. De-stressing won’t happen overnight. Prepare for the things you can control and don’t put pressure on yourself to create the perfect vacation and trying to please everyone. Make sure to take care of yourself and your needs too.

And above all else; Have fun and enjoy!

Nikki Lanigan is a yoga, HIIT, and Barre instructor, she is also a Holistic Health Coach through Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Nikki is trained in Yoga Shred, Yoga Psychology, meditation, chakra balancing, and EFT/Tapping. She has done trainings with Sadie Nardini and Ashley Turner. She got her 200 hour yoga teacher training in 2017 at the Carrie Treister School Of Yoga. Nikki takes a holistic view of health, helping her students and clients reach a place of self-love not just through movement, but with mindset and lifestyle guidance as well. Nikki is also show prep writer for The McVay Media Show Prep and host of the podcast Fit, Fun, and Frazzled. Connect with Nikki on Instagram.

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Episode 9