Don’t borrow trouble. This is a saying one of my best friends introduced me to about 20 years ago. When she first said it, I really had to stop and think. I’m a worrier, just like my Granny. I love to borrow trouble! Has there ever been a time in my life when I haven’t borrowed trouble? Probably not. I overthink the fuck out of every aspect of my existence.
I would like to clarify something. I’m not a negative person—generally. I just worry about everything. I don’t feel I am a pessimist in any way. I’m also not an optimist. I’m a realist. Bad shit happens on the regular. I like to attempt to be prepared for it. Most often this is not possible, but that does not stop me from trying.
I have a bestie who operates like this. She is one of the few people who gets me and does not judge me because she rolls the same way. The two of us joke about our worry lists. We each have our own unique quirks but are both wacky AF. It comforts me. I honestly don’t know what I would do without her.
After being introduced to the “don’t borrow trouble” mantra I have tried to implement it into my life and lessen the amount of time I spend worrying about crap I can’t control. I’m not particularly successful, but by saying it maybe I can keep my daughter from suffering this affliction. It would seem that I say it more than I realize.
Last semester at school my daughter had to write a paper about a saying she has grown up hearing. She then needed to explain it and how it has impacted her actions and outlook. She picked, “Don’t borrow trouble.”
I was surprised by this, but pleased. It is good advice. Her professor really liked it too. He was not familiar with the saying, but she did a great job on the paper. He told her he would be adopting this guidance. This made me smile.
I need to do better at living by these wise words. I say them a lot, but don’t usually put them into practice. The amount of time I spend worrying about crazy and unlikely shit is astronomical. That being said, I put in a good chunk of hours worrying about legit concerns that could totally happen. I like to mix it up!
The thing with both of these scenarios is, the crazy shit or the likely shit, is either going to happen or not. The amount I worry is going to have no impact on the outcome. I know this. It is logical. Do I still worry? Yes! It is how I’m wired. I’m not normal. I know this. I have accepted it. I envy normal people greatly.
At the end of the day, the great Tom Perry said it best in his classic Crawling Back to You, “I’m so tired of being tired, sure as night will follow day, most things that I worry about, never happen anyway.” It is my favorite line from a song. I would get it tattooed on my body, but it is a bit lengthy and I don’t know where I would put it. Plus, I’m old. Perhaps it will work on my headstone. That’s as good of a way as any to go out. It will probably be the worry that kills me in the end anyway.