The Last 90 Days: How to End the Year Stronger Than You Started

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Hosted by
Nikki Lanigan

Nikki Lanigan is a yoga, HIIT, and Barre instructor, she is also a Holistic Health Coach through Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Nikki is trained in Yoga Shred, Yoga Psychology, meditation, chakra balancing, and EFT/Tapping.

She has done trainings with Sadie Nardini and Ashley Turner.

She got her 200 hour yoga teacher training in 2017 at the Carrie Treister School Of Yoga.

Nikki takes a holistic view of health, helping her students and clients reach a place of self-love not just through movement, but with mindset and lifestyle guidance as well.

Nikki is also show prep writer for The McVay Media Show Prep and host of the podcast Fit, Fun, and Frazzled.

Connect with Nikki on Instagram.

As the final quarter of the year approaches, many of us shift our focus to New Year’s resolutions, anticipating a “fresh start” in January. But what if we turned this mindset upside down? What if we used the last 90 days of the year not as a winding down but as a launchpad to create momentum that carries us into the new year with strength, clarity, and intention?

I used to follow Rachel Hollis’ “Last 90 Days” challenge, but over the years, I’ve cultivated my own version of it. Now, I dedicate October to Sober October taking a month off from any alcohol, even though I really don’t drink at all anymore. I can count on one hand how many times I have had a drink this year and last year I only drank once the whole year. November I eliminate complaining, and December I embrace gratitude. Each of these practices, combined with an intentional focus on business and personal growth, helps me close out the year feeling empowered rather than depleted.

Here’s how you can harness the last 90 days for growth, fitness, momentum, and success both in business and in life.

Sober October: The Power of Clarity and Commitment

October is the perfect time to reset your habits by going alcohol-free. For me, this has become a ritual that represents more than just cutting out the occasional wine night. It’s about creating clarity, focus, and discipline in every area of my life. Sober October helps me realign with my goals, evaluate my productivity, and re-prioritize what’s truly important.

When you’re clear-headed, your workouts improve, your decision-making sharpens, and your energy levels are more consistent. Alcohol can disrupt sleep patterns and hinder recovery, so going sober for a month can have a significant impact on your fitness routine. Sober October gives me the energy and drive to work harder in my strength training and stay committed to regular movement.

Benefits for fitness and life:

– Improved sleep and recovery, which enhances muscle repair and growth.

– Increased energy and endurance for workouts and daily activities.

– Mental clarity, allowing you to set fitness goals and track progress more effectively.

– Commitment to showing up for yourself daily, building consistency in your routine.

How to Maximize October for Fitness:

– Set a fitness goal for the month, such as increasing strength, improving cardio, or deepening your yoga practice.

– Stay hydrated and focus on nutrition that fuels your workouts and recovery.

– Re-evaluate your fitness routine, adding in new challenges like a yoga class, Pilates, or strength training.Think about it, when you’re clear-headed, your work improves, your decision-making sharpens, and your creativity soars. For those of us in business, this clarity can lead to innovative ideas, increased focus on projects, and a stronger drive to meet year-end goals. In life, it means being fully present in relationships, with family, and in moments of joy and connection.

How to Make the Most of October:

– Set clear intentions for what you want to accomplish by the end of the year.

– Create daily rituals, whether that’s through meditation, morning journaling, or an evening gratitude practice.

– Use your newfound mental clarity to dive deep into business strategies, whether it’s planning for the next quarter, organizing a new launch, or tying up loose ends on lingering projects.

No Complaining November: Shifting to a Mindset of Positivity

Once October has helped clear out the mental fog, November becomes the month to tackle the negative self-talk, complaining, and limiting beliefs that hold us back. No Complaining November is about rewiring your brain for positivity and problem-solving. Complaints are often just unproductive thoughts that can lead us away from solutions.

In business, this means taking stock of challenges without sinking into negativity. Rather than focusing on what’s going wrong, use this month to find creative solutions, ask for help when needed, and build resilience. In life, this means reframing tough situations with a mindset of growth and gratitude. For instance, instead of complaining about a lack of time, start valuing the time you do have and how you can use it wisely. My new mantras I use on repeat. “Trust, flow, surrender, let go.” And “Everything is always working out for me.”

Strategies for No Complaining November:

– Practice daily affirmations to reinforce a positive mindset.

– Catch yourself when you start to complain, and ask, “What is the solution to this problem?”

– Shift your language: Instead of saying, “I have to do this,” try “I get to do this.” This small change can completely transform your outlook.

December Gratitude: Ending the Year with Grace and Abundance

Gratitude is the cornerstone of any successful mindset. By December, we’re often focused on the holidays, the bustle of family gatherings, and shopping lists, which can sometimes lead to stress and overwhelm. But what if you spent this month soaking in gratitude for all the moments big and small that shaped your year?

December Gratitude is about closing the year with grace. It’s a time to reflect on all you’ve accomplished, no matter how big or small. Gratitude helps us end the year with a sense of peace and abundance, rather than feeling rushed or burned out. In business, gratitude can deepen relationships with clients, colleagues, and partners. In life, it can transform how you approach each day, reminding you to appreciate the present moment.

How to Cultivate Gratitude in December:

– Write a daily gratitude list, focusing on three things you’re thankful for that happened during the year.

– Reach out to people in your life (personally and professionally) to express your gratitude for their support, collaboration, or simply their presence.

– Celebrate your wins big and small from the past 12 months, and use that energy to propel you forward into the new year.

There’s something incredibly powerful about starting your momentum before the new year begins. By January 1st, you’re already in motion, moving towards your goals with clear intentions and a refreshed mindset. It’s not about waiting for the perfect time to start it’s about creating the perfect time.

Many people fall into the trap of “all-or-nothing” thinking, believing they need to wait until January to begin their resolutions. But imagine how much further ahead you’ll be if you use the last 90 days of the year to set the stage for success. By prioritizing fitness, health, positive thinking, and gratitude, you’re laying a foundation for a more productive, fulfilling year ahead—before it even begins.

The last 90 days of the year can be transformative. It’s an opportunity to recalibrate, reflect, and prepare for what’s next without the pressure of starting from scratch in January.

You can close out the year feeling more connected, aligned, and ready for whatever comes your way. So, as we enter these final months of the year, I invite you to join me in making the most of them. Whether in business, life, fitness, or personal growth, let’s use the last 90 days to create momentum that carries us into the new year not with exhaustion, but with energy, excitement, and intention.

Nikki Lanigan is a yoga, HIIT, and Barre instructor, she is also a Holistic Health Coach through Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Nikki is trained in Yoga Shred, Yoga Psychology, meditation, chakra balancing, and EFT/Tapping. She has done trainings with Sadie Nardini and Ashley Turner. She got her 200 hour yoga teacher training in 2017 at the Carrie Treister School Of Yoga. Nikki takes a holistic view of health, helping her students and clients reach a place of self-love not just through movement, but with mindset and lifestyle guidance as well. Nikki is also show prep writer for The McVay Media Show Prep and host of the podcast Fit, Fun, and Frazzled. Connect with Nikki on Instagram.

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