I’m mad as hell. I have been mad all damn day. Why do you ask? Over a stupid awards show that in no way affects me, or does it? The Oscar nominations were just announced. In my youth, I was very big on the Oscars. I tried to watch as many of the...
We all have something that defines us. That one thing that makes a person who knows you stop and say, “Yep. That is so and so.” For me, it is my laugh. This is both a blessing and a curse. I love to laugh. I try to do it often, but I have very...
As I have mentioned numerous times, I hate the winter. Each year when I’m all up in it, I try very hard to find one or two redeeming qualities about this horrible season to help get me through. One of my favorite winter treats to myself is a toasty...
I enjoy the holidays. I’m not in love with them like some folks, but I usually get into the spirit of the season. That being said, I have never wanted to put up my tree before Thanksgiving and when it is over, I want the tree gone within a week...
Let me start by apologizing to all my yoga teaching and loving friends. I’m so jealous. I want to love yoga with all my heart. Over the course of 20-plus years, I have tried numerous live classes, DVDs and internet yoga programs. When I’m done, I...
I wrote this a few weeks ago, but as we enter the holiday season it seems more relevant now than ever. Regardless of your faith or lack thereof, please remember that everyone can be nice. You don’t have to believe in anything or anyone to be...
More than 20 years and thousands of dollars. That is what fighting gray hair has cost me. I started going gray in my mid 20s. I was not a fan. I battled it from day one. I was not going to be gray at 30 like my Granny. Nope. Fuck that. Throughout...
I married young. In the beginning, we had very little money. I cannot emphasize how little money we truly had, but we always made an effort to buy Christmas presents for our family—everyone in the family. It was a lot, but we enjoyed the challenge...
Don’t borrow trouble. This is a saying one of my best friends introduced me to about 20 years ago. When she first said it, I really had to stop and think. I’m a worrier, just like my Granny. I love to borrow trouble! Has there ever been a time in my...
A while back I was on a call with two of my college besties and I revealed a guilty pleasure of mine. Both were somewhat shocked by my confession. However, one friend jumped in immediately and said, “You should never feel guilty about something you...