With the cold weather having more than set in, we may be finding ourselves inside more so this may be a good time to make some perhaps needed changes to our wall spaces. Whether you have a lot of framed art on your walls or a little, it can be very...
As a Buddhist, I believe in the law of cause and effect. If you put good things out into the universe, they will be returned. If you’re an ass hat, that will come back to you as well. Karma has everyone’s address. I experienced this phenomenon first...
I don’t know how much like “Little Women” I pictured the holidays with four daughters to be, but it was much more than this. I guess I pictured fireside chats, waiting for the kettle to whistle, and all of the girls gathered around to listen...
Every Year Max reads letters to Santa for our Annual Tree Lighting (Dec 12, 2024). Submit your Letter to Santa Below!
Just like garages and homes and other spaces we spend a lot of time in, our cars will naturally end up with some or a lot of clutter – it just happens. We are all on the move constantly and sometimes our cars operate as second homes or offices...
ANNNNDDDD it’s December… The most wonderful time of the year. ERRR umm stressful! The holiday season brings a blend of joy and stress, especially for parents. It’s a time filled with family gatherings and celebrations, but it can...
Every year, as Thanksgiving rolls around, so do the messages about “burning off” your Thanksgiving meal. You’ve probably seen it; fitness challenges called “Turkey Burners,” slogans like “earn your pie,” or post-meal workouts aimed at “undoing” what...
The other day in the car I mentioned to my husband that this year I just don’t feel celebratory for the holidays in my usual way. I’ve been enormously busy this year, and between the joys and the losses in too-rapid succession, I have hardly felt...
Gravy is an art. Bad gravy is the worst, but good gravy is a delight to behold and eat. I happen to make a mean gravy. I consider it one of the highlights of my Thanksgiving meal. I grew up watching my granny make gravy for biscuits every time we...
As a form of public service, I thought I would tell all you parents of babies that them being completely unwilling to wear appropriate clothes for the weather one day is a verifiable life phase. It isn’t you. You didn’t break them. You didn’t do...