Spending 48 hours in New York City was an adventure. This trip was more than just sightseeing and food stops. It was a chance to step away from the constant noise of the online world, reconnect with family, and recharge in ways I didn’t know I...
There is something special about finding a new friend—one that really gets you and with whom you have much in common. I have such a friend. We recently spent two days together in a cabin and did some hiking. Yes, we did hike, but mostly we talked...
Calendars – we all have them; nowadays most of us use the phone or computer variety to keep our schedules organized. However, we often fail to update, organize and declutter our calendars which can end up with missed appointments, calls and...
First of all, I love the word “dichotomy” and feel like Cher in the movie Clueless picking a word to sporadically start using (pun intended). In today’s social media landscape, influencers have emerged using a variety of different...
I recently went down to the basement where our family room and daughter’s bedroom are located. I found my daughter in a comfy chair with a box I recolonized. It was a box of old love letters. I smiled and asked her what she was doing. She replied...
Do you want to be one of Good Ole’ St Nick’s helpers? Bob & Sheri are partnering up with Eblen Charities to assist with the annual Saint Nicholas Project. The aftermath of Hurricane Helene has left a lot of Western North Carolina...
We went to breakfast Saturday morning, way out through the hills and damp redwoods to a little forest town not too far from here. It is our favorite spot for special occasions. It is my request for my birthday every year. Now, my daughter, Tessa...
Hello darkness, my old friend I’ve come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while I was sleeping And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of silence Ugh, the good old “Fall...
Most of us are all too familiar with “providers” which range from our utility providers (which are sometimes non-negotiable) all the way to providers that we have choice with, such as cell phone providers, alarm companies, internet, television, and...
I love Halloween. All of it. Well, most of it. I don’t do haunted houses. Paying to be scared is bullshit. Anyway, Halloween is just a fun holiday. It may actually be one of my favorite aspects of being a parent. Once I had a kid, I went all in on...