I’m Never Leaving My House Again

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An introvert who accidentally stumbled into a radio studio and is too awkward to leave.

I’m Never Leaving My House Again.

It’s been over a year since I became a first-time homeowner, and I figured I owe y’all an update. There’s nothing like reaching peak adulthood independence and navigating it without a safety net. There have been some good and bad things to come out of this process, but it’s all good in the name of growth (aka giving my blood pressure a consistent workout).


Day 1 of walking into my new home consisted of me discovering I had no running water. The well had stopped working in the handful of days between me doing a final walkthrough and closing on the house. It’s an older house and I was expecting some issues, but not an issue that would cost thousands right off the bat! 

Needless to say, I now own “disposable pee bags” for whenever Mercury Retrograde decides to wreak havoc on my plumbing system.

The creepiest issue so far was dealing with a mouse that kept finding a way into the house. Since he refused to pay rent, I was forced to have a company come out and set up all the pest control stuff.

Of course none of that worked.

The mouse would conveniently avoid the traps, and I could hear homey scurrying in the kitchen at night. The unnerving part was seeing evidence of the mouse wandering into other parts of the house, but never actually seeing it. It wasn’t until I did some investigating that I discovered several places under the kitchen sink where the mouse could be entering.

“Replacing” the sink cabinet floor became my first major home-repair task. Just know I went into buying this house owning zero power tools, and now I’m a modern-day Tim ‘The Tool Man’ Taylor.

I have no idea if what I pieced together is correct from a construction standpoint; all I know is not a single mouse has entered this house since.


I hate each and every human being on this planet who failed to warn me how tiring painting a room can be. Within the first couple of months I knew I wanted to paint the living room and an extra bedroom I was converting into a hybrid space. You never know how big a room really is until your arms are begging you to stop moving a paint roller up and down.

In case you’re concerned, yes, I did finish painting and decorating this living room that I barely use because I never have guests:

I have a gigantic painting that I plan on putting up on the wall in between the lights at some point between now and the year 2038. The other room is the center of my universe. Half of this room is an office with my work setup, and the other half is a gaming space.

I’ve always loved video games, and I’ve always wanted to have a gaming setup where you get to display all of your consoles. I know that gray is considered boring, but I chose that color because I wanted lights that can change color to reflect well off the walls.


This is the first time I’ve ever lived by myself. I’m an introvert of the highest caliber, and I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed the peace and quiet. There is no sharing of bathrooms or kitchens; if I want to leave clean laundry on the living room couch for a week (because I hate folding laundry), I can. I don’t know if I’ll ever be willing to live with another person ever again.

I do this weird thing where I spend an obnoxious amount of time in one specific room, usually for months at a time. Initially I did everything in the living room, then migrated to the office for several months after that room was finished. I’ve currently moved a loveseat and all of my work equipment into my bedroom and I only exist in there. I’m sure I’ll find my way back to the living room and office once we get into the fall months.

There’s still so much to do as far as designing and fixing the house, but ripping up the kitchen and bathroom can wait. For now, I’m just enjoying the life of existing in my own space and moving at my own pace.

An introvert who accidentally stumbled into a radio studio and is too awkward to leave.

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  • Great job so far. As time goes on it
    Will get easier and be so worth it. Keep up the good work and enjoy the privacy of your own home.

  • YESSSSSS to how tedious painting is!!! I actually thought it would be fun…but learned that lesson with a quickness after painting the trim around the sliding glass door. And ALL the tape…and I hate sticky!! It’s just awful You living room looks great though. Love the blue!

  • The water issue should be the previous owners problem that should have been the contract if anything went bad with 6 months to a year

  • That gaming room is too cool! My son would LOVE that! Also, yes on the painting. Thankfully, you did not have to strip wallpaper down and repair the drywall before painting. (Speaking from that painful experience)

  • Glad for you to finally get your own place. I hate painting too. We moved in our new house about 6 months ago and are still working on where stuff would look good at on the walls. Continue the updates. It looks great!

  • Congratulations on your house!!! Glad you got rid of the non-paying yes!!! Isn’t it wonderful to have a place that you can call your own and do as you please. My mess is my mess and my clean is my clean and no one else’s business. It is a great feeling!!

  • Yay Doc!! Your house looks great, such a cozy and inviting space! I hope you continue to learn, grow and enjoy in whatever ways speak to you best. ✨👊✨

  • We feel you, Doc! Within a year of buying our first (and forever) home in 2014 we had to replace the family room ceiling. When we went to buy the house it was discovered the chimney was leaning, so they had to bring it level as part of the agreement. The crack that slowly developed in the ceiling after we moved in grew wider, and of course collapsed the day before we were set to intentionally remove and replace it, was a direct result of pressure from the chimney getting shifted back into correct alignment. We have since had to fix both a broken sewer line and a broken water main due to invading tree roots. The water main broke within about a month of our fixing the sewer line. That doesn’t include what we’ve changed of our own volition! Just remember, it beats renting! You get to change what you want to! And a fine job you’re doing of it, too 🙂

  • Bless you Doc. I totally get you. When my husband kicks the bucket I’m going to become an introvert to the MAX. I love, love, love my “alone time”. It’s never enough!

  • Doc, I love your house, and I am happy for you. Living alone works well for me too because you can do whatever you want whenever you want. Don’t get me wrong. I was married for many years and loved living with my husband, most of the time..ha ha. The thing is, I sold the house we lived in, after my husband passed away, and moved into an apartment and I no longer have to do all the things that you’re doing. But you’re still young and have many years remaining to do whatever you want to make it the house of your dreams. Good luck and I enjoy listening to your stories on the podcasts.

  • Home ownership is never ending, but having your own space is so worth it. Painting is a big pain!! I love the living room walls in blue, it looks really nice! Great job Doc!

  • Aww.. we love you Doc. You are a great guy
    Some girl is going to snatch you up when you last expect it and she will move her stuff in and change everything… they tend to do that!! I’m a girl! I should know! But you have a head start with pillows on the couch!! We love pillows!! Lots and lots of pillows! Just ask Bob!! Congrats on your new home!!

  • Hi, Doc! Your place is looking great, and it seems you’re a go-getter at solving problems as they arise! I might be a weirdo, but I actually like painting walls (not so much the trim). I was part of a two-person team, painting an historic barn (called the Big Barn). Then about a month after we finished, it was struck by lightning, and the darn thing burned to the ground. I also painted the entire exterior of our two-story house during the pandemic lockdown. It offered me a great deal of alone time, as I was pretty certain no one else was going to volunteer to help me. Continued luck as your house evolves into that perfect space for you.

  • Well for never owning a house before, you’re doing an excellent job. I love the gaming room. The old PS2 is awesome and the way it lights up makes it awesome. I have to say your a heck of a job and keep up the amazing job.

  • Great job with the house !! There is always something to fix no matter what. I don’t mind painting buy hate the edging around the windows and ceiling. My son painted his room gray for the same reason. Walking into his room is like walking into a disco. Enjoy the solitude !

  • I love hearing about your house, especially as I am in the midst of painting cabinets and walls. You have done an amazing job for someone new to this activity. Please continue to keep us posted. (And living alone is wonderful…. as all introverts know.)

  • I’ve loved reading about your journey in to the home owning thrills and ouchies! Enjoy your new nest and thank you for sharing the pics. Great job! Did you name the mouse? 😁🤭

  • Doc, congrats on your adulting! It is so worth it when you do that tax return and when you close the door at the end of the day you are the king of your castle. It feels good to create something of your very own and to see the before and after. Pictures are a great way to look back and pat yourself on the back. You are also adding value to your home and you will always get that back if and when you decide to sell.

  • Ah- The joys of home ownership. We are in our 4th and worst house. Between the closing and moving in we spent $140,000.00 , I repeat – One Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars in unexpected repairs that the building inspector somehow managed to miss. That was eight years ago and I’m still gagging.
    Having said that, nothing beats having your own home, Enjoy the freedom of doing what you want when you want. Hopefully you have great neighbors

  • Painting is the WORST! I had to repaint my kids’ bathroom, which is, coincidentally, the same blue as your living room, because the mirror popped off of the wall while they were brushing their teeth. No clue as to what caused that to happen either. The previous owners had used a flat paint which resulted in water condensing and pouring down the walls every time they showered. Lovely visual, right? So I chose a slightly less vivid blue in a satin finish and everything is great now but the painting part of all of it was the worst thing I’ve ever had to endure, (and I was in the Army. Lol. )

  • Congratulations, Doc! Take your time in improving your home. It took us 28 years to finally get to do our remodeling. We still have a few things to do, but it was worth the wait. So, don’t give up. P.S. Glad you got rid of the mouse.

  • Loved to hear of your personal experience with first-time homeownership. Keep us updated as I’d love to hear the rest of your story. Also, venture out a little and invite some folks over to enjoy your newly created space. It’s good to have in-person contact with humans and they can also confirm that you’ve done a great job on creating a home that reflects your personality.
    P.S. My sons would so love to have that gaming console that you created! What a great idea!

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