Olympic Mindset in Life and Business

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Hosted by
Nikki Lanigan

Nikki Lanigan is a yoga, HIIT, and Barre instructor, she is also a Holistic Health Coach through Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Nikki is trained in Yoga Shred, Yoga Psychology, meditation, chakra balancing, and EFT/Tapping.

She has done trainings with Sadie Nardini and Ashley Turner.

She got her 200 hour yoga teacher training in 2017 at the Carrie Treister School Of Yoga.

Nikki takes a holistic view of health, helping her students and clients reach a place of self-love not just through movement, but with mindset and lifestyle guidance as well.

Nikki is also show prep writer for The McVay Media Show Prep and host of the podcast Fit, Fun, and Frazzled.

Connect with Nikki on Instagram.

I loved watching the Olympics when I was little. I don’t remember watching Mary-Lou Retton live, I more so only remember her from stories and her commercial endorsements and the fact she scored a perfect 10. I remember Kim Zmeskal, Dominique Dawes, Kerri Strug, and Shannon Miller from the 1992 gymnastics team I can remember where I was at watching them compete in their all around at a friend’s sleepover in their family room. I also remember in 1996 at the Atlanta games, the Magnificent Seven. Who can forget Kerri Strug’s dramatic injury on the vault to only go back and stick the landing with an injury?!

There is a huge difference in olympic training from the past, to where it is now. I think more athletes, especially gymnasts are taking the approach to work on their mental health and mindset too and I think we can learn so much from them. From the intense training but also how they approach their mental health too.
There is a meme going around now with Micheal Phelps talking about affirmations and how he practices this to reprogram his mind when he is in a negative thought pattern. Boy have the times evolved…. for the better!
One of the most notorious and notable names from Olympics past and in the sport of gymnastics is Béla Károlyi, who is one of the most famous gymnastics coaches, known for his tough and often controversial training techniques.

– Intense Training: Béla’s approach was all about long hours of hard physical training, strict discipline, and high expectations. Gymnasts were often pushed to their physical and mental limits.

– High Pressure: The pressure to perform perfectly was immense, leading to a culture of fear and anxiety.

– Focus on Winning: The main goal was winning medals, sometimes at the cost of the athletes’ overall well-being.

Despite the controversy, Béla Károlyi’s methods produced champions, including the Magnificent Seven, who won the first-ever team gold medal for the United States in women’s gymnastics at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.

The Magnificent Seven

The Magnificent Seven—Shannon Miller, Dominique Moceanu, Dominique Dawes, Kerri Strug, Amy Chow, Jaycie Phelps, and Amanda Borden—became an iconic symbol of perseverance and excellence. Their journey offers several lessons:

– Teamwork: Even though they competed in individual events, their collective effort and support for each other were key to their success.

– Resilience: Kerri Strug’s performance on a severely injured ankle to secure the gold medal shows incredible resilience and determination.

– Dedication: Their unwavering dedication to gymnastics, despite the challenges, is truly inspiring.

Modern Training and Mental Health – Gabby Douglas and Simone Biles

Fast forward to recent years, the approach to training and mental health in sports has changed a lot.


Gabby Douglas’s Journey

– Trailblazer: Gabby made history as the first African American to win the individual all-around gold medal at the 2012 London Olympics.

– Pressure and Scrutiny: After her win, she faced immense pressure and scrutiny, which affected her mental health.

– Prioritizing Mental Health: Gabby stepped back from competition to focus on her mental health, highlighting its importance and sparking a broader conversation.

Simone Biles and the Tokyo 2020 Olympics

– Background: Simone Biles, one of the greatest gymnasts of all time, has an impressive record, including 25 World Championship medals and 7 Olympic medals.

– The Twisties: During the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, Biles experienced “the twisties,” a dangerous mental block where gymnasts lose control and spatial awareness in mid-air. This was not only about performance but also safety.

– The Decision: Biles decided to withdraw from several events to prioritize her mental health. This decision was unprecedented for an athlete of her caliber.

– Public Reaction: Her decision was met with widespread support from the public, fellow athletes, and mental health advocates. Biles’ honesty and courage resonated deeply.

– Advocacy and Impact: Since then, Biles has been a powerful advocate for mental health in sports, using her platform to speak about the importance of mental well-being and the pressures athletes face.

– Reflection: Biles’ decision has encouraged athletes to prioritize their mental health and sparked broader discussions about the need for mental health support in competitive environments.

What We Can Learn and Apply in Our Lives

We can draw valuable lessons from these stories to apply in our own lives and businesses:

1. Prioritize Mental Health:

  – Recognize the importance of mental health. Incorporate practices like meditation, mindfulness, and regular check-ins into your routine.

  – It’s okay to take breaks when needed. This can prevent burnout and promote long-term well-being.

2. Adopt a Holistic Approach:

  – Balance is key. Include physical exercise, healthy nutrition, and adequate rest in your daily routine. Physical health supports mental clarity and emotional stability.

  – Foster your spiritual health through practices that resonate with you, like spending time in nature, creative activities, or practicing gratitude.

3. Cultivate Resilience:

  – Life and business will present challenges. Building resilience helps you navigate setbacks and stay focused on your goals.

  – Develop a growth mindset, viewing challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles.

4. Embrace Teamwork and Support:

  – Just as the Magnificent Seven relied on each other, seek out and build a supportive community. Collaborate and share experiences with others.

  – Don’t be afraid to ask for help and support when needed. Building a strong support network is essential for overall well-being.

5. Set Realistic Goals and Celebrate Achievements:

  – Set realistic and achievable goals. Break them down into smaller steps to make them more manageable.

  – Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. This helps maintain motivation and a positive mindset.

6. Learn from Both Successes and Failures:

  – Reflect on both your successes and failures. Each experience offers valuable lessons that contribute to your growth.

  – Stay adaptable and open to change. The ability to pivot and adjust your strategies is crucial in navigating life and business challenges.

The stories from the Olympics highlight the importance of balancing ambition with well-being. By adopting a holistic approach that prioritizes mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health, we can achieve success in a sustainable and fulfilling way.

Remember, it’s not just about winning medals or reaching the top, it’s about finding joy, balance, and purpose in the journey.

Nikki Lanigan is a yoga, HIIT, and Barre instructor, she is also a Holistic Health Coach through Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Nikki is trained in Yoga Shred, Yoga Psychology, meditation, chakra balancing, and EFT/Tapping. She has done trainings with Sadie Nardini and Ashley Turner. She got her 200 hour yoga teacher training in 2017 at the Carrie Treister School Of Yoga. Nikki takes a holistic view of health, helping her students and clients reach a place of self-love not just through movement, but with mindset and lifestyle guidance as well. Nikki is also show prep writer for The McVay Media Show Prep and host of the podcast Fit, Fun, and Frazzled. Connect with Nikki on Instagram. www.instagram.com/nikkilanigan.yogaandwellness www.instagram.com/fitfunandfrazzledpodcast

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