Charlotte, NC – January 13, 2025 – This morning, during the popular Bob & Sheri syndicated morning show, Bob Lacey announced his retirement on the air. Lacey has been on the air for four decades, including 32 years with partner Sheri Lynch. Bob...
Just like garages and homes and other spaces we spend a lot of time in, our cars will naturally end up with some or a lot of clutter – it just happens. We are all on the move constantly and sometimes our cars operate as second homes or offices...
We know you’ve got some photos of your dog bestie you want to share! Enter to win for some awesome dog related prizes!
Lots of new and fun things have rolled out in 2023! With those changes comes a few hiccups here and there so I’m creating this resource for you to help answer some Frequently Asked Questions. Why is my App is Shutting off after a Few Minutes...
Astrology and horoscopes offer an alternative insight into our individual experiences in an increasingly alternative world. Ancient civilizations believed in the power of the ‘spheres’ in the sky, with one such obvious example being the Sun...
There are so many celestial moves this coming week and with Mercury, the planet of communication, now traveling direct in disciplined and say-it-as-it-is sign Capricorn, a lot of paperwork errors or misunderstandings can finally be cleared up. Add...
The new year began on the back foot with one of the more commonly known retrogrades in full swing at the very moment the ball dropped and the times changed. Mercury, the planet of communication and the internet, has been motioning backward in...
We had the honor of being a part of the vow renewal for the beautiful couple and longtime fans Lisaida & David! We traveled down to the Shores Resort & Spa in Beautiful Daytona Beach, Florida for this joyful day with the beautiful bride and...
Fill out the form below and we will review your request. Filling out this form does not guarantee a guest booking. This is a request form only. Bob and Sheri do not review requests. You must provide links to your public social media for review.
Charlotte, NC (5/10/21): Beasley Media Group announces legendary Charlotte-based nationally syndicated Morning Personalities Bob & Sheri join Beasley Media Group’s K104.7 WKQC-FM beginning Monday, May 17th. The duo will be heard weekdays from 5a...