The Confidence Conundrum: Why Some People Have It and Others Don’t

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Hosted by
Nikki Lanigan

Nikki Lanigan is a yoga, HIIT, and Barre instructor, she is also a Holistic Health Coach through Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Nikki is trained in Yoga Shred, Yoga Psychology, meditation, chakra balancing, and EFT/Tapping.

She has done trainings with Sadie Nardini and Ashley Turner.

She got her 200 hour yoga teacher training in 2017 at the Carrie Treister School Of Yoga.

Nikki takes a holistic view of health, helping her students and clients reach a place of self-love not just through movement, but with mindset and lifestyle guidance as well.

Nikki is also show prep writer for The McVay Media Show Prep and host of the podcast Fit, Fun, and Frazzled.

Connect with Nikki on Instagram.

Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” —Christopher Robin

Ah, confidence, that elusive quality that seems to elude some folks while others wear it like a crown. Have you ever wondered why some people strut through life like they’ve got a backstage pass to the universe’s VIP lounge, while others feel like they’ve been left behind in the nosebleed seats? 

Two years ago I started working with a business coach she was constantly telling me to make my business Instagram page public, but I just couldn’t do it for some time. Why? Because I was scared to put myself out there to be judged and criticized. Ah those internet trolls got to me and I was scared I would receive those mean comments. 

One of the biggest confidence killers is the fear of looking foolish. Confident folks, however, have mastered the art of embracing their inner fool. They’re not afraid to dance like no one’s watching, even when everyone is, in fact, watching and probably joining in because it looks like a blast.

Many confident people swear by the “fake it ’til you make it” mantra. They put on their invisible superhero capes and stride into situations with unwavering confidence, even if they have no idea what they’re doing. Meanwhile, the rest of us are in the corner, frantically googling “how to exude confidence without tripping over your shoelaces.”

If confidence had a mortal enemy, it would be overthinking. Some of us are so skilled in the art of overanalyzing that we’ve turned it into a competitive sport. Do you sit there and ponder every possible outcome, down to the last decimal point? Hi, it’s me, I’m the problem.

Ever notice how confident people always seem to be dressed impeccably? It’s as if they’ve made a pact with their closets to never unleash the wrath of mismatched socks or stained shirts. Meanwhile, the rest of us are playing a never-ending game of “find the other sock.”

Confidence is a skill like anything else. Believe that with some practice we can start to feel better and more confident. 

Being a mom to two girls I preach and preach about confidence and self-esteem so I have decided to put a list together. 

How can we train ourselves to believe in ourselves, gain confidence, and have a high self-esteem? 

Here are 17 ways to overcome a lack of self-confidence.

1. Learn Something New

2. Hit the Gym

The physiological effects of going to the gym will leave you feeling great.

Countless studies have shown that regular workouts at the gym can boost not only your sense of well-being, but can increase your self-esteem, too.

3. Get Clear on the Things That Matter to You

4. Remove Negativity From Your Life

Write a list of the things you’re tolerating and putting up with in your life, then write down how you can remove, minimize, or diminish each one.

5. Celebrate Your Wins, big and small!

6. Do Something You Would Normally Say No to.

7. Do One Thing Each Day That Makes You Smile

8. Give Yourself Good Advice

9. Write Down Things That Make You Feel Good. A gratitude list.

10. Cultivate a Positive Mindset

11. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others!!!!

12. It’s Okay to Be Shy!!!!!

There’s nothing wrong with being shy, and it doesn’t mean you’re not a confident person.

If you suffer from shyness, you might think it’s a major weakness of yours. However, introverted people have the edge in many ways, such as: they’re first-rate listeners, they have excellent observational skills, and they’re easier to trust.

13. Learn to Say No!!!! Set boundaries for yourself! (something I am working on)

14. Realize You Are Enough

15. Use the Power of Positive Self-Talk

16. Meditation and yoga! I always come back to these two. Practicing yoga has helped me so much with gaining more self – esteem and easing my mind. Meditation is also another great practice to help cultivate confidence and self – esteem.

17. Use confidence affirmations.
Affirmations for self esteem, are a great way build your confidence and self worth when they are repeated over-and-over. 

1. I am confident and strong

2. I am becoming more confident each day

3. I love and respect myself

4. I do not need validation from others

5. I am in full control of my life

6. There is nothing I am not able to overcome

7. I am successful in everything I do

8. I am enough

9. I am a good person

10. I deserve good things

11. I believe in my abilities

12. I am intelligent and capable

13. I deserve to be happy

14. I am beautiful

15. I don’t have to justify anything to anyone

16. I treasure my imperfections

17. I acknowledge my self-worth

18. I am loved and respected as I am

19. I make good decisions

20. I release negative self talk

My confidence recipe: a dash of “fake it ’til you make it,” a sprinkle of not caring what others think, and a generous dollop of embracing your inner fool. 

We are all unique in our own way and we need to love ourselves.

Nikki Lanigan is a yoga, HIIT, and Barre instructor, she is also a Holistic Health Coach through Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Nikki is trained in Yoga Shred, Yoga Psychology, meditation, chakra balancing, and EFT/Tapping. She has done trainings with Sadie Nardini and Ashley Turner. She got her 200 hour yoga teacher training in 2017 at the Carrie Treister School Of Yoga. Nikki takes a holistic view of health, helping her students and clients reach a place of self-love not just through movement, but with mindset and lifestyle guidance as well. Nikki is also show prep writer for The McVay Media Show Prep and host of the podcast Fit, Fun, and Frazzled. Connect with Nikki on Instagram.

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